My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2914: I only want to sleep (3)

"So you will be weird and obedient..." asked Horsham.

"You...what do you want?" To tell the truth, Huo Wei’s words to Huo Siqian are particularly unfounded.

Just don't know what he is going to do, so he is afraid...

"Reassured, I won't let you die, you haven't died yet." Huo Siqian chuckled.

Huo Wei’s biting lips refused to speak...

"You have to do what I said, maybe I found it with my conscience, let your daughter have a way of life, or else... let you see that she is tied to the stone and sink into the sea."

"Horschch, you are a beast."

Hearing that Huo Siqian said this, Huo Hao almost jumped up with excitement and shouted at Huo Siqian.

"Animals? Hehe... I am... I have always been." Huo Siqian's black style is also not complete.

"According to the seniority, sweet, she still has a scream, how can you bear to start with a child of five or six years old, are you still a person?"

Huo Wei cried and Huo Xiqian, but the more he was in despair, the more desperate he was.

Because he knows that Huo Siqian is not a sleep, there is no such thing as a three-view.

"Hey? Hey, you will put gold on your face, what are you, come and kiss me..."

After a sneer, Hossein waved his hand and the man under his hand immediately took the little girl out.

The moment the tape on the mouth was taken down, the child was scared and cried.

"Mom... I am afraid..." The child is afraid of an instinctive reaction.

Looking at her daughter's poor appearance, Huo Wei is more worried.

"Huo Siqian, if you dare to touch my daughter, I will not let you go." Huo Huo screamed and groaned.

"I am not afraid of you when you are alive. I am afraid when I die. It is stupid... Then, you will not resist, and give me a recording, I will let your daughter."

"What do you want to do to me?"

Huo Wei felt that Huo Siqian did not say that his heart would have collapsed.

"Several of you, take things out."

After Hoswick said, a few men behind him turned back to the black car outside the door of Hoswick.

Take out a long strip of brocade box, which is slowly opened by Horsham, inside which is a thin needle.

It’s like the kind of child who vaccinates...

Inside is a white transparent liquid...

"You..." Huo Wei seems to have ended himself, fearless to speak.

"Reassured, will not let you die, this is a good thing, a needle is more than ten thousand, it is a pity for you ...."

After that, Huo Siqian took the needle and slowly went to Huo...

"No, don't... don't come over..."

Huo Wei’s desperate rebellion struggled, and it was against this unknown.

With her understanding of Huo Siqian, this is definitely a very perverted thing, not as simple as a normal medicine.

"Don't come over, don't touch me..."

After I finished the needle, I started recording. You said to me... Qin Chu, please let me go, I will not dare anymore. ”

"Qin Chu?" Huo's eyes widened.

I finally understood the little tricks of Huo Siqian. What he had to do was to frame himself and then blame Qin Chu.

"Reassure, you won't die, and you will be embarrassed... believe me..."

After that, Hossin slammed a pin on Huo's shoulder...

Unknown liquid slowly flows into her body.

Huo Wei only thinks that the brain is blank...

"Start recording after five seconds. If you don't follow me, then your daughter will throw the child to feed the fish for a while." Huo Siqian said slowly and slowly.

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