My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2915: I only want to sleep (4)

Huo’s pain in his face, tangled for a long while...

As soon as the recording began, she opened her eyes and looked at Huo Siqian.

Said deadly, "Qin Chu, you are so against me, I will not let you go to do ghosts...."

Huo Siqian patted his mobile phone and raised a sinister smile on his mouth.

Then, Huo Wei only felt dizzy, then fell to the ground.

"Mom... Mom, what's wrong with you... Mom, wake up."

The sweet rushed over, but was stopped by a man.

"Boss, it is estimated that the drug effect has occurred..." Acheng said.

"Well, take her to the most prosperous street and still be there."

"What about the child?" asked Acheng.

"Tied up the stone and sank into the sea..." said Huo Siqian.

After the words of Huo Siqian, several big men were silent.

"Why are you so expressions, crying..." Huo Siqian glared at Acheng.

"The boss, Huo Wei is self-sufficient, but the child is innocent..."

Since the adoption of the child, Acheng has particularly pampered such a child, especially if he is not born well and has no parents around.

"Acheng, we are not philanthropists, we are bad guys... I used to be, now, and in the future... this is the way we have to go."

Huo Siqian said...

Acheng listened to silence, but did not dare to look back at the boss, he knows Huo Siqian's temper.

"Sit down, do a clean spot, Huo's things here, I hope to stop here, and between me and Qin Chu... also officially kicked off."

Leaving this sentence, Huo Siqian threw the cigarette **** on the ground, stepped on his foot and turned away.

"Acheng brother, if you can't get it, we will do it for you."

A few of the men looked at Acheng’s expression so entangled and advised.

"No, you guys will send Huo to the city center, and I will give it to me afterwards."

"it is good."

Then, the unconscious Huo was taken to the van and then headed for the city center.

And Acheng drove with a little girl and headed for the seaside.

Sweet was tied to the hands and feet, and the tape was sealed again on the mouth.

But the sound of sobbing was particularly noticeable. In the rearview mirror, Acheng saw the child's face covered with tears.

The eyes are also full of despair...

After getting off the bus, Acheng took the child down and then peeled off the tape.

Sweetie screamed to Acheng.

"Uncle, beg you to save my mother."

After this sentence is finished, Acheng is very shocking.

He thought that the child would say, uncle, I beg you not to kill me.

I did not expect that the child was worried about the mother, which made him touch.

"Uncle, beg you, my mother has been very difficult in recent years. My dad is a jerk. I don't care about us since I was... my mother is very pitiful. I don't want her to die."

"She...will not die." For a long time, Acheng squeezed out these words.

"what about me?"

A city is silent...

"I have heard the big bad guys, he said let you throw me into the sea."

A city is still silent...

"Uncle, I am especially afraid of water, I am swimming, you don't want to throw me into the sea. If you want to kill me, give me a knife. I heard that if blood flow is fast, it will die very quickly."

In the words of a child, the words like a knife are tied to the heart of Acheng.

He didn't feel anything to do for Horsham before, but after betraying him, he stood behind Qin Chu.

He suddenly felt that he was such a bastard.

"Uncle, you do it, don't kill my mother, if there is a chance, tell her, sweet love her... sweet and not blame her." The little girl's voice is very tender.

The eyes are also very pure, sweet and not as high as the twins, just an ordinary child.

"Right, and I am Uncle Shen, I also love him very much." Sweet added.

At this time, Acheng slowly pulled out the pistol from the waist... The face was inexplicable grief.

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