My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2916: I only want to sleep (5)

Acheng is holding a pistol at sweet...

Then slammed...

The little girl fell to the ground...

Not far away, Huo Siqian turned his head away after reading far away.

Seeing that the figure went far, Acheng only helped the child from the ground.

"You run along this seaside road, don't look back, go to the place where there is light, remember to ask the police to send you to find Huo Mian, no, you can't go to hibernate, our boss recently stared at Miss Huo too tight, Go to Shen Mingxi, he has not been discharged, just in the first hospital, you must give this to Shen Mingxi, don't forget."

"Well." Sweet and nodded.

"Come on, I am leaving." Acheng patted the child's shoulder.

But did not think that sweet directly on the ground, smashed three heads toward Acheng.

"Thank you, uncle, you are a good person."

"I am not a good person... I have done a lot of things that hurt the world." Acheng was a little sad.

"No, you are a good person. When I listened to the teacher telling us about Snow White, I said that Snow White's stepmother didn't like her because she was more beautiful than her stepm, so she sent a hunter to kill her, but the hunter couldn't bear it. So I killed a little deer and went back to cross, and let go of Snow White, so I met the dwarf later... I am not Snow White, but my uncle has also let me go. Uncle is the very good hunter."

The child’s words are unscrupulous, and the words spoken are always the easiest. Without the heart, Acheng’s listening is extremely uncomfortable.

"Okay, don't say it, go ahead, remember to find the police, and then look for Shen Mingxi."

Acheng repeatedly explained, for fear that sweetness went the wrong way, and the wrong person, after all, the child is too small, there is no sense of self-protection.

"Well, I am going to find Uncle Shen, he is in the first hospital."

After that, sweet turn and run...

Acheng eventually couldn’t bear it. Before the shot, he told sweet to fall to the ground.

Looking far away, thinking that she was really shot and killed...

After all, Huo Siqian has a lot of people, and his mouth is misunderstood.

Sweet because she was young and running very slowly, she still couldn't wait for her to find Shen Mingxi.

Huo's incident broke out...

In the whole city, it is quite bad...

When Qin Chu’s eyeliner was reported, Gao Ran also called.

"Achu, Huo Jinna... What the **** is going on?"

"I am not sure as well."

"But now I say that you did it. She always shouted your name in her mouth. Now it’s all over the Internet. You and I are retaliating against her." Gao Ran is also overwhelmed.

"It is estimated that this woman's traitor." Qin Chu is particularly calm.

"Huo Wei is now taken to the city bureau by me. I will check the results and come out to me, I will know the specific situation." Gao Ran said.

"Need me to go?" Qin Chu asked.

"No, you are now a savvy person, you can't come to the city bureau, you will be caught by the handle and the smearing is more serious."

"it is good."

Qin Chu hung up the phone, his face is not very good...

"Husband, what happened?" Huo Mian basically judged the seriousness of the matter from the expression of Qin Chu.

"Huo's out there something."

"Is that person really Huo? I just saw on WeChat that everyone is passing the video, and the figure is very vague... I thought... Someone took the opportunity to speculate."

"Where is the video, let me see?" Qin Chu did not seem to think so seriously.

Huo Mian took out his mobile phone and opened the video again and handed it to Qin Chu.

After he finished reading, his face was even heavier...

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