My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2979: Murderous madness (eight)

"Missy, she..." The people over there seemed to be afraid of Luyan, and they were arrogant.

"Missy was kidnapped by Huo Siqian to Yuewang Mountain, and then Qin Chu, that is, your brother-in-law immediately took people to rescue. We followed the past and planned to help them when necessary, but did not expect... Modest and extreme, I chose to hold Missy’s cliff...."

“Is it really jumping?” Lu Yan apparently did not believe it.

"It is true. Many people have seen it with their own eyes. Your brother-in-law is closest to him at the time. He should be clearer."

"What about others?"

"At present, he is being treated in a military hospital. People are unconscious."

"Unconscious? What does it mean?" Lu Yan's face was sinking.

"After Missy fell on the cliff, Mr. Qin Chu directly vomited blood and coma...may be too much stimulation."

Qiao Fei was behind Lu Yan, listening to it, and his heart was half cold, let alone the mood of Lu Yan.

"Have you seen it over the cliff? Is there any cave underneath that can hide people? Horsham is a scheming man... I don't believe he will dig his own grave..."

After all, Luyan is well-informed, and I don’t believe it is as simple as jumping off the cliff.

"Checked, boss, below is the cliff, no one has been touched by hands and feet... there are no suspicious caves nearby."

After listening to this sentence, Lu Yan’s heart sank again.

"Boss, I am sorry, we have been shouldering the task of protecting Missy's family, but unfortunately the protection is not good... You have to kill, we have no complaints."

The man lowered his head and repented with Luyan on the remote phone.

But Luyan still has the heart to talk to him about punishment.

The mood is simply the feeling that 10,000 alpacas have stepped on...

I want to swear, but I can’t say anything dirty.

Luyan immediately pressed the watch's call procedure.

"Smoke..." Joe didn't want to say anything, comfort her.

"Joe metamorphosis, you said... If the old man knows that his sister is dead, he will be like me, and he will die."

"This incident... Suddenly, I don't think it's too early to conclude. Is it better to go back to China?" Qiao Fei said.

"You have not always said that it is not suitable for returning to China?" Lu Yan looked at Joe Fei with some horror.

"This time is different. My sister's family has an accident. We must go and see."

Joe is not very simple, he is not interested in the icing on the cake, but it is still necessary to send charcoal in the snow.

In particular, Qiao Fei was shot before, complicated and complicated surgery, but Qin Chu personally flew to Russia to do.

Today, Huo Mian’s accident, Qin Chu coma, and a pair of cute baby at home, in this case, no one can bear to care.

What's more, Lu Yan is still a pro-small baby.

"Well, let's go right away."

Because of the incident of Huo Mian, Lu smoke stopped the war in the oil country.

Because he did not complete the task, he also doubled the employer's commission.

For Lu Yan, it is the meat that has been cut, and she has always regarded her as a life. This time, she can do anything.

The sudden withdrawal of Luyan also alerted Ian, who was far away from Israel.

"Lu Yan left the field and also took the initiative to pay the employer double commission? This is very embarrassing... I have known her for so many years, she is not like a person who does not love money." Ian rubbed his temples and narrowed his eyes. Said in a fluent English.

"Maybe something urgent?"

"When I know where she left, where have I been?" Ian asked.

"I can't find out, there is anti-tracking and positioning radar on the plane she is riding, we can't find it."

"Oh, this can be interesting, and play hide-and-seek with me?" Ian smiled, and the smile was still strange.

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