My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2980: Murdering madness (9)

"Is it still not available?" Ian asked.

"Fail to contact."

"What about the eyeliner over there?"

"There is no news," the man back.

"Very good, it seems that everyone has been ruined... If you want to know what happened, it seems that you can only go there." Ian said with a smile.

Late night, Sujia Villa

Mrs. Su and the nanny took a shower for the two children, changed their clothes and sent them back to the room.

Su Yu took a few tablets in the past and wanted to find two children to play games.

As a result, the peas were so tired that they fell asleep directly.

It was a pudding, sitting quietly on the bed.

Wearing a pink pajama...

"Budding, are you still not sleeping?"

"Su Shuai, you said... will my mom come back?"

Even though the pudding is old, at this moment, she is just a poor child who lost her mother.

Asked Su Yu nose is sour.

"Yes, I believe she will, she loves you so much... I won't care about you, right?"

"Well, I think she will also... She told me before... It’s still good, let’s see how we grow up, see if we are married, and when I’m married, I’m married. The same bitterness as a cat... Also, Su Shuai will cry into a dog."

Su Yu:...

"She actually said that I am bad at the back?" Although Su Yu pretended to be very angry, in fact, my heart was particularly sad.

"Yeah, Mommy said, Su Shuai is so good with our sisters. When we grow up, we grow up and must be daughters."

"It turned out that she rated me so high." Su Yu licked his mouth.

"It's not early, pudding, you have to go to bed early."

"Su Shuai, I am tomorrow... I want to go see the land."

"He hasn't woken up yet," Su Yu said.

"I know, I don't quarrel with him, I just want to see him... Look at him at a glance, at least know that he is still here, not directly leaving us..."

"What about the peas?" Su Yu was afraid of Bean Ding.

"This is easy to handle. When the time, let Grandma Sue take her out to eat dessert, I will take the opportunity to take your car."

"That... look at the situation tomorrow, what you need to do now is to sleep, or else... it’s not beautiful."

"it is good."

"Good night, my little pudding."

"Good night, Su Shuai."

Su Yu was on the head of the pudding, gently kissed, with the father's pity and love.

After the twins were finished, Su Yu couldn’t sleep.

And the little bit of understanding of Huo Mian, these days just like the movie.

Those fragments are constantly reappearing in their minds, and they can't be erased.

Su Yu lay in bed, took out her mobile phone, and took a picture of Huo Mian long time ago from the photo album.

That was when Huo Mian was a doctor in the Southern District, wearing a white coat with a black frame.

Although dressed up is very old-fashioned, but a pair of eyes always have spirituality.

Once people fall in love, they will never let go.

"Doctor Huo, are you afraid that I will chase you all the time, don't promise me, don't want to go... I promise that I am afraid that Qin Chu is sad, so you just run away and hide. You are coming back, I don't chase you. Even if I become gay, I will not entangle you any more, bring trouble and trouble to your family... As long as you are alive... Just come back... Anything can be, really anything can be..."

Su Yu’s voice is getting smaller and smaller...

The next morning, he took the first day to say good night with the pudding, a hair that was not easily caught, and planned to compare the DNA with the unknown female body.

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