My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2981: Murdering madness (10)

"Su Ye, here." Tang Chuan is even earlier than Su Yu.

"Have you not slept last night?"

Looking at Tang Chuan’s dark circles more serious than himself, Su Yu asked.

"Don't mention, my aunt's grandmother... I stayed in my room for the first time... I cried for a night... I used four rolls of paper... I cried my two Armani shirts, then she fell asleep. During the period, I still had a nightmare. I didn’t sleep very much in order to look at her and let her sleep well."

"When did you change to a good boyfriend in China?" Su Yu looked at Tang Chuan.

"Well, I am a good fiancé in China, right, Su Ye, pudding hair brought it?"

"Take it." Su Yu took out a white paper bag, which was the hair of the pudding.

"Truth, I don't understand. I wanted to ask you yesterday... I am not pregnant with a sleepy scorpion? Just look at the female corpse and not get pregnant?" Tang Chuan was strange.

"No culture... terrible."

Tang Chuan: ...

"Come here, my brother will give you a lesson today... First, if the female body happens to be a pregnant woman too, because of the identity of the pregnant woman, can you be sure that she is a small sleep? Is it too general? Only DNA In contrast, the police will recognize the true identity of the body. You think it is a god. With your mouth, who is who she is?"

Tang Chuan: Amount...

"Second, Xiaomian fell from such a high place, and soaked in the sea for so long, abortion is very likely, so I am not sure if she is still pregnant, what else do you check? And even if checked, Nor can you prove your identity... It’s not a waste of time.

Tang Chuan: It makes sense.

"Fortunately, this is what I told you. If you ask Gao Ran, it is estimated that he will smother you... If the police are like you, then you can be laid off."

"Amount... Ok, let's go."

Tang Chuan’s face was not arguing with Su Yu. The two walked over and handed the hair to the inspector.

After half an hour

"Su Shao..."

"Is the result coming out?" Su Yu asked nervously.

"Well, it has been confirmed that it is not the body of Ms. Huoming."

"That's good." Su Yu listened, and took a long breath.

The big stones in my heart soon landed.

"This is actually good news for us..." Tang Chuan also followed a little happy.

"You continue to search for the rescue team and continue to give me the scope to find." Su Yu and Tang Chuan said.

"it is good."

"Then, how about going to the company?" Tang Chuan thought, Su Yu had not been to the Star Emperor after the accident.

"I am going to the military hospital. The experts in Kyoto have already come. I will give Qin Chu a consultation today."

"Su Ye, you are really a good enemy of China."


"Well, you have delayed you, you are going, right, old Wei may have passed for a while, it is said that... Xiaowei's nephew is also seriously ill, has been a high fever and does not retreat."

"okay, I get it."

Su Yu then drove directly to the military hospital.

I only thought about bringing the pudding on the way, so I called the pudding again.

The driver of the Su family drove the pudding to the location where Su Yu stopped.

Then the two went to the military hospital.

"Pudding, I will see you in the future, don't cry..."

"I know."

"Today, Uncle Su has found a lot of powerful doctors to help him see a doctor. I believe he will wake up soon." Su Yu comforted the child.

"You don't lie to me, I know, he may never wake up," said Pudding.

"Who do you listen to?" Su Yu slightly frowned.

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