My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2997: Forgotten island (six)

"Get it." Lu Yan clap his hands.

Qiao Fei has not been curious about the ancient spirits of Lu Yan.

I don't know where she got it, all kinds of poisons, drugs, bombs.

I heard that there was a drug-making base, and the price of 10 billion yuan was set.

Let her go to be a pharmaceutical master, but she was rejected by this girl.

She said that girls who don't want to be top mercenaries are not ideal girls.

Later, those people saw that she could not be married, refused, felt that there was no face, and began to find someone to chase him.

Lu Yan played with them for half a year of cat and mouse games.

Eventually impatient to run to their old camp, a time bomb, fried a bad rotten.

Since then, no matter how many people in black and white, there are not many people who dare to look for the smoke of the land.

Because of the professor's relationship, the United States is also completely blinded to the eyes of the United States.

In addition to Ian’s alien creatures, Luyan is definitely the king’s gesture in this world.

After using the homemade medicine to faint four bodyguards, Lu Yan asked Qiao Fei to drag them to the opposite hospital warehouse.

The two of them entered the Qin Chu's patient care and then locked the door.

Lu smoke slowly close to the man on the bed...

The mood is a bit complicated.

After all, it is the man that her sister loves...

It is also a benefactor who once helped Joe in Russia.

"My brother-in-law is really sad."

"It may be that Xiaomian sister is too deep..."

Luyan sat in the chair, opened the watch Bluetooth, deciphered the password, and linked the hospital's database.

Then easily retrieve the diagnostic data of Qin Chu from the hospital database.

After reading it, Lu Yan was silent...

"What's wrong?" Joe did not see her a bit wrong. ”

"Joe is metamorphosis, trouble."

"I can hear trouble in your mouth. It seems that this is really a very forbidden thing." Qiao Fei said.

"My brother-in-law is ill, but his body's toxins are not cleaned. He is a self-made medicine. He is in a coma. No one knows the ingredients. I don't have much talent for medicine. It's not like my sister. Love to study, my sister inherited my mother's genes, so it is much stronger than me, but now my sister has an accident."

The current situation of the land smoke analyst...

"So what do we want to do now, is it to help my brother-in-law wake up first, or to find the whereabouts of my sister?" Qiao Fei asked.

"First let the brother-in-law wake up, because he will be life-threatening when he drags it down."

"Are you going to take him away?" Qiao Fei knew that listening to the tone of Lu Yan, the country could not heal the disease of Qin Chu.

Therefore, it is speculated that Luyan may take Qin Chu away without knowing it.

"No, my brother-in-law can't afford to toss, and let my old lady come."

"Professor?" Joe Fei could be surprised.

"Besides him, there must be no one to help the brother-in-law detoxification..." Lu Yan can definitely say.

"But can the professor come out?"

Joe has always known the situation of the professor, so there is still some heart.

"Of course, I will have a way."

At this time, doctors and nurses came to the house.

I didn't see the bodyguard at the door, I felt a little strange.

When pushing the door of the ward, it was even more strange to find the anti-lock.

"Who is inside?" asked the doctor outside.

Lu Yan took Joe Fei, opened the window and jumped directly from the top. ”

Then leave with a rope...

When the doctor came in, he found that the window was open, and the trace of someone coming in was terrified.

Hurry and call Su Yu.

When Su Yu answered the phone, she was having dinner with the twins.

"what's up?"

"Su Shao, not good, Mr. Qin's ward has strangers coming in, your bodyguards are missing."

"What do you say... What?" Su Yu suddenly became angry, and he got up.

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