My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2998: Forgotten island (seven)

When the hospital came over, Su Yu couldn't sit still.

"Pudding, you eat first, I go out to do something."

Su Yugang ate a few mouthfuls and hurriedly left home.

After they had finished eating, they went back to the room to play.

Perhaps because of the mother's reason, the two children have no interest as before.

Mrs. Su took a lot of fruit for them, and they were not in the mood to eat.


"Well?" Pudding turned and looked at the pudding.

"I miss Mommy."

Pudding is silent...

"Sister, how did Mommy not come back for so long, and I didn't call us on a phone call, nor came to see us."

The peas that are kept in the dark are somewhat depressed...

As a sister, Pudding is sensible and bears a little more.

She stretched out her chubby little hand and touched her sister's head.

"Hey, Mommy, she... will definitely be back, and she will definitely find her."

"But my heart is not good." We both have been here for a few days... I haven’t come to pick us up, indicating that Mommy hasn’t found it yet... Huo Siqian’s big bad guy, necrotic, has been playing Mommy. Attention, will Mommy be taken far away and not let her back?"

Having said that, Douding bit his lip and his eyes flashed with tears.

"No, how can Horsham be awkward? Don't be stupid... we have to believe him."

"Okay... oh... then I will take a shower first, then come out and talk to Gao Boyuan video."

After that, the Bean Ding took the nightdress and went to the bathroom, where the nanny's nanny gave the warm water.

After the Bean Ding entered, the babysitter also followed in to help wash...

The pudding stood alone in front of the window and looked at the distance. It was not a taste in my heart.

Su Yu recently went out late, and Pudding wanted to ask what she said, and she said it was very vague.

The last time I was in the hospital, Professor Luo, the pudding heard it.

The chances of waking up in the ground seem to be very low and low...

If you don't wake up, then no one will look for Mommy. The power of Su Yu alone is very small.

I don’t believe in Su Yu, but Pu Ding’s heart is not at the bottom.

The two closest people, dear and love, and now, she and Douding are fostered in the Su family.

Although the Su family is very good to their sisters, the children still have the heart to bear.

No matter how good here, it is not home.

"Mummy... oh, I beg you, come back soon? I and Douding... I really can’t keep going, I really miss you.” Pudding said sobbing.

When Su Yu went to the hospital, Lu Yan and Joe Fei had left, and there was no trace left.

Even after the fainted bodyguards woke up, they didn’t remember how the little girl who gave her medicine looked like.

When Su Yu went to adjust the surveillance video, he was surprised to find that the video was erased and there was no clue.

"I haven't checked it yet, is there anything in Qin Chu?" Su Yu looked at the doctor worriedly.

"That's not there, Su Shao, please rest assured, Mr. Qin's situation is still normal, maybe those people are not in a hurry to start."

"It's really amazing. I can actually invade the military defense system without knowing it, and then faint my bodyguard."

"It seems that the other party should be prepared, we must be more careful," the doctor said.

"Is it a medicine that is fascinating to my bodyguard?" Su Yu also wants to know what the other party is.

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