My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3006: Forgotten island (fifteen)

Listening to Lu Yan said, Joe Fei can probably guess what it means.

There is no question, he silently stays by the side of the road.

Joe did not think that Lu Yan would definitely go to Paul to arrange it, and then do a good job with Ian.

As a result, unexpectedly, Lu smoke went to Sujia...

In the heavily guarded place of the Su family, only the land smoke woman can come and go.

Pudding and pudding are all played in the living room, and Mrs. Su takes the maid in the living room.

There are a lot of fresh bouquets in the living room, and the Bean Ding is holding a pair of scissors around Mrs. Su.

The pudding was sitting quietly with his mobile phone, and it seemed to be a matter of heart.

"Oh..." Lu Yan was in the kitchen and used a strange sound in the living room.

It’s a pity that the pudding is too focused on playing the phone and I have never heard it.

"Axi! I am a mobile phone controller. I think I have to play a higher end."

Later, Luyan opened the watch, decrypted it, and quickly sneaked into the pudding's mobile phone.

Pudding is browsing some news and suddenly received a message, "Pudding, come to the kitchen."

The pudding glimpsed and then turned around immediately, and I saw that I didn’t know when it was in the kitchen.

She looked at everyone with vigilance, no one noticed her, and she got up and went to the kitchen.

"Sister, why are you going?" Douding looked at her sister curiously.

"Go and pour water to drink." Pudding said without looking back.

The pudding could not suppress the excitement of the mood. After entering the kitchen, he also knew that the backhand was brought to the door.

Then I hugged the thighs of the tobacco wearing jeans...

"Small." Her voice was small.

"Oh...." Lu Yan licked the pudding with one hand and hugged it.

It looks thin, but it is very powerful.

"Pudding, what?" Some things may be leaving here for the time being."

"Where is Xiaoxiao going?" Pudding suddenly had disappointment in his eyes.

"Small to deal with the bad guys."

"That... when will it come back?" Pudding flatted his mouth.

"When you are okay, come back."

"But... I don't want to let Xiaoxiao go." Pudding's clothes smashing the smoke, a little self-willed.

"I know, but Xiaoyan must lead the bad guys, or can't the grandfather have the means to do surgery for you?"

"Is the grandfather coming back?" The pudding looked up and was slightly surprised.

Lu Yan nodded...

"So, baby, what I said next is very serious, you have to listen carefully, okay?" Lu Yan looked at the pudding seriously.

"Small you said." Pudding nodded.

"Because Xiao Yu and his grandfather have special status, they can't be mentioned to outsiders. So when the grandfather returns, Su Yu will definitely not agree to the grandfather to perform surgery on the depression. At this time, you have to convince Su Yu... The medical skills of the grandfather are very good. You must be able to convince Su Yu, and you can't reveal your grandfather's identity, can you?"

"It sounds really hard." Pudding wondered.

"Of course, if it is not difficult, how can it be handed over to you? Xiaoxiao knows that our puddings are clever and wise..."

"Small you don't wear me a high hat, I am not as powerful as you said, I am just a baby over three years old, and even drink milk powder every day."

Lu Yan almost smiled, and if she was not afraid of the people in the living room, she almost laughed.

This little devil does react very quickly...

"If you don't lead the bad guys, your grandfather won't be able to go to the surgery for you. So... this must be done by both of us... If you feel that you can't finish it, Xiaoyan is thinking of being. Way.” Lu Yan also felt that this difficulty index is somewhat high for a child.

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