My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3007: Forgotten island (sixteen)

"No, Xiao Yan, I think... I can handle it." Pudding said word by word.

"you sure?"

"Well, I am still very good at dealing with Su Shuai..." Pudding seemed to be full of confidence.

"Well, arrogant and small, this difficult task will be handed over to you."

"Small 姨... If there is an emergency, how can I contact you?"

Lu Yan shook his watch on the wrist. "Small cockroaches have already stored your number. I will contact you at any time."


Although the pudding does not like to be so passive, but Xiao Yan said that the pudding is still somewhat comforting.

"That... Xiao Yan is gone, go back, I will find you after a while."

"Small 姨..." The pudding was reluctant to pull the hand of the land.


"Be careful when you are bad, don't hurt yourself."

"Good." Lu Yan listened to the words of the pudding, and his heart was warm.

When I went out, I was still jealous with Joe.

"You said, after my sister came back, I told her to bring the pudding to come and give me a prostitute, okay?"

"Why?" Joe was sweating.

"Because the pudding is super sensible, it is smart... When I came out, I still want to pay attention to safety... Tell me, I haven’t touched such a warm child for a long time."

"I don't think my sister will agree." Qiao Fei said.


"Good twins, why are you going to open the house... I’m talking about it..." When he said it, Joe didn’t pause.

"What to say?" Lu Yan looked curious.

"Like a child, you will not be born yourself? Why do you want to grab your sister..."

Land smoke: ...

"I rub... I am born, I am born with you?" Lu Yan said with no anger.

"Don't live with me, do you have that function?" Qiao Feiyun said lightly.

"Qiao Fei... What do you mean... Nima, eat me and drink me, but also want me to have children, I love you so much?" Lu Yan just wants to roll his eyes.

"Yes, I don't know where I come from, so I love you so much."

"The trough, Joe metamorphosis, you are shameless...."

Lu Yan pointed to Joe Fei, and the two quarreled as they walked.

After waiting for the city, Joe Fei reacted.

"Do we want to leave here?" Joe was wondering.


"But is it not finished yet?"

"It’s too late, I have to lead Ian first, or how the old man will come. If Ian knows that the old man is coming here... I will bring the whole big force here and kill him."

"It turned out to be like this." Joe said that he nodded in agreement.

"But don't misunderstand, I am not a pity, I feel that people in this city are tired... I am worried that the old man can't safely give surgery to his brother-in-law."

"I understand, no explanation."

Qiao Fei knows that Lu Yan is actually a bad idea.

Although the mouth always said, what is the life of others?

But in fact, in these years, Luyan has never mistakenly killed a good person.

Although she loves money, the business she picks up is also against those who are desperate.

The murderer is either a terrorist, an anti-government leader, or a core member of a cult organization.

However, she always showed that I am a female devil, I am a murderer, this way.

It seems to cover up the purest kindness in the heart...

Joe is very fond of such a land smoke, and the heart is still a simple girl.

Ian’s plane...

"Adult, we still have half an hour to reach the end, now the plane is landing, you are steady."

The man just finished saying this, and suddenly the tail of the plane began to catch fire.

The plane's center of gravity is unstable... it starts to drop rapidly.

"Adult, it's not good, someone has blacked out our aircraft control system..." The pilot opened the door and shouted anxiously.

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