My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3008: Forgotten island (seventeen)

"A group of waste..." Ian pressed down the door and slammed it.

A sweet and delicate oriental face appeared on the display in the aircraft cabin.

"Hello, Ian, we haven't seen you for a long time."

"It turned out to be my beloved baby..." Ian looked at Lu Xun's picture and smiled evilly.

"Given that we are old friends for many years, I am going to send you a meeting, skydiving, how? Surprise, not unexpected?"

After Lu Yan said this, the body of the plane has begun to shake violently.

The pilot took out an emergency package and handed it to Ian.

"Adults, the plane crashed, we have to make an emergency parachute."

Although reluctant, in order to save lives, there seems to be no choice.

Ian took the parachute with his men's replacement and got up slightly.

"Along the way, oh..."

After that, Luyan also came with a kiss...

Ian’s face has been white-faced. Over the years, no matter who he is, Ian’s name has not been feared.

Even the evil religious madman Reeves, who saw him, was also respectful.

Only Lu Yan, this exquisite oriental woman, never put him in his eyes.

From time to time, play some fatal games with him and give him some surprises and surprises.

It really makes him love and hate...

In this way, Ian’s plane did not wait until the end of the line, and was remotely blacked out by the land smoke, directly causing the plane to crash.

However, Lu Yan also knows that this is not enough for Ian to die. For people like Ian, it is too difficult to kill him.

His side, talented people, masters like clouds, jumping on the sea, there is nothing.

Because less than ten minutes, there will be reinforcements to meet.

Not far from the cliff, Lu Yan took the glasses and looked at the crashed plane, hitting a ring with his **** and forefinger.


"Smoke, you openly provoke Ian, so... is it a rhythm that is enough?"

Joe did not stand with his hands behind his chest.

I was always chased by Ian, and now I feel that it is not exciting enough, so I have to deliberately blow up people’s planes.

Attracting people's attention, Qiao Fei feels that the world, the people who dare to publicly provoke Ian, only land smoke.

Because she is really barefoot, not afraid to wear shoes...

"No, I am tired of living." Lu Yan turned back and chuckled.

Qiao Fei: ...

"Hah, tease you, look at your expression... Don't look at me like a fool, OK? I want to lead him, because the old man is here soon, I can't let Ian know that the old man is here, That would be a big mess in the world, ah ah..."

"When is the professor coming?"

"It's already on the road, it's estimated to be six hours later." Lu smoke looked at his watch.

To be honest, Joe is surprised.

Because it was said that he was shot in the same year, the professor did not go to Russia.

Later, Qin Chu went and gave him surgery.

It’s not because the professor’s face is big, please don’t move, but the professor can rarely leave the United States easily.

Without the protection of the federal side, once taught, such a person will be stared at by all the evil forces in the world.

Because what he developed can make the whole world into chaos...

Right is always the deepest desire of mankind... getting a professor can get the best of the best.

Therefore, he must not fall into the hands of anyone. Even Lu Yan, who has probably not seen his own biological father for more than two years.

Such a person, this time, is it really coming to C city? Joe is a little looking forward.

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