My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3009: Forgotten island (18)

Military hospital, outside the intensive care unit

The four bodyguards have been replaced by six.

Four more were added to the ward, and Su Yu always felt that he was negligent, so that some people could not detect it.

Shen Mingxi took the little girl's hand and stood at the door.

"Shen Gongzi."

"I am looking at Qin Chu."

"Well, Su has been handed over, let's go in."

"it is good."

Shen Mingxi took the child and opened the door into the ward.

Shen Mingxi and Qin Chu have a very common relationship, but because of their relationship with Su Yu, they have had a little friendship with Huo Mian.

Now that I have such a big thing, I can’t say it without coming.

Whatever it is, Shen Mingxi feels that he should come and see.

So I called Su Yu before I came, and after I got the consent of Su Yu, he came over.

Qin Chu is still unconscious, with an oxygen mask.

Shen Mingxi is deeply touched...

This god-like man can instantly lie between life and death, showing that human beings are actually very fragile.

If once life dies, people are not there, what are you talking about, and what fantasy is coming and living?

"Secret Uncle, isn't this... the pudding and the father of Douding's sister?"


"What's up with him?"

"He is sick."

"It's pitiful. If the pudding and pudding know it, it must be very sad."

"Yeah, no father's child will be very pitiful." Shen Mingxi lamented.

After listening to sweetness, he immediately clenched Shen Mingxi’s hand.

"Fortunately, sweet and uncle Uncle."

The child’s words made Shen Mingxi’s heart tingle slightly.

"Why didn't the little sleepy aunt come?"

"Auntie Xiaomian... There are some things out now, can't come back."

"If the fathers of the sisters are not cured, there is no father, the aunts of Xiaomian will not come, and there is no mother, are they also orphans?"

Shen Mingxi did not answer.

The problem of children is always naive and childish.

"Shu Shushu, if your father's father is not good, can you accept two sisters, Shen Shushu?"

Shen Mingxi looked at Xiaotian curiously and couldn't understand why she said so.

"Shen Shushu, Xiaomian Auntie used to be very sweet. I always buy new clothes for me. I also buy sweet food. I also go to my home to eat sweet, and play with my sisters. If they have an accident, two sisters." It’s an orphan. If you send it to an orphanage, you will be bullied. I heard people say that the orphanage is not so good... some vicious teachers will play kids, because the children there are some children without parents, even I was beaten and no one managed. I don’t want to let the two sisters do the same... I can eat less food later. When Shen Shushu can take two sisters, will I be with me?”

Shen Mingxi understands that it turns out that sweetness means letting Shen Mingxi also take in twins and not let them become orphans.

"Sweet, you don't have to worry, puddings and peas are not able to take care of and take care of them, and many people are willing to take care of them." Shen Mingxi patiently explained.

If it is true that Qin Chu and Huo Mian can't come back, then Su Yu is the best person to take care of the twins?

Not relatives are like relatives...

At this time, the ward door was pushed open.

Shen Mingxi turned and saw Su Yu coming in.

Then Shen Mingxi nodded slightly.

"Uncle Su." Sweetly greeted him.

Su Yu nodded, did not speak, told the truth, he was very disgusted with Huo Wei, so there is a little rejection of her daughter.

"How is the investigation of the matter, is there any progress?" Shen Mingxi asked.

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