My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3010: Forgotten island (19)

"There is still no progress." Su Yu does not seem to be very good.

"Haw's side?"

"There is almost the same side, plus some materials in the hands of Yan Ruoqi, it should be no problem to check Holstein."

“Is it strict that Yan Ruoxi is willing to help us?” Shen Mingxi was surprised.

"Well, this situation is now, and she has no reason to hide it, but it is a piece that was abandoned by Huo Siqian. Can she not see her position?"

"Yes." Shen Mingxi nodded.

"But I checked the assets of Huo Siqian, not quite right."

"What is wrong?"

"Hollywood is almost empty shell now... Most of the funds don't know where to go, I can't verify it. I suspect that he was transferred by other channels. I also checked the foreign account, the name of Huo Siqian. There is no dime below."

"That is estimated to have used another name." Shen Mingxi said.

"Well, this perverted guy seems to have prepared all this already."

After finding out this, Su Yu was a bit gratified, that is, since the plan was done so carefully.

Even if the money knows to turn away, it will definitely not be dead.

So Huo Siqian is not dead, then Huo Mian is still alive...

When I thought that Huo Mian was still alive, Su Yu’s heart was more or less gratified.

"Let's come over and see Qin Chu, then go first. If you need me, please contact me at any time."

"it is good."

After Shen Mingxi left, she went to the psychiatric clinic under the city bureau with sweetness.

Huo Wei has been locked up here and has not gone out.

Shen Mingxi, with his children, will come to visit after three or five.

Recently, it was because of the company's many things, and probably did not come for a week.

Listening to people in the city bureau said that Huo Wei seems to have recovered his mind and wonders if it is the cause of the drug.

"Sweet, you will see your mother for a while, what do you want to say to her?" Shen Mingxi asked.

"I want to tell her, I miss her very much."

"it is good."

"Shu Shushu, can I give me a mommy to buy a chocolate bar that I bought for me? She should be very happy when she eats sweet things," said the little girl.


The two men were taken all the way to the room of Huo Wei.

"She has been able to move freely in the past few days, and she can communicate normally. I even know that our food is not good. I think she is also good. You can talk to our director about whether to pick her up?"

"Okay, I will make plans for this."

Subsequently, the policewoman opened the door and Shen Mingxi walked in with the child.

Huo Wei was wearing a white sick suit, sitting on the bed and looking out the window, not knowing what to think.

She heard the opening of the door and she turned her head.

After seeing Shen Mingxi and her daughter, she obviously had a noticeable change in her face.

"Mom..." Sweet flew straight to the past and hugged Huo.

However, it is obvious that she is a little indifferent, I don’t know if it hasn’t reacted at once, or it’s so cold.

"Mom, look, what I brought to you, this is the chocolate bar that Uncle Shen bought for me, very sweet, I left one for you."

Said, sweet and please put the chocolate bar carefully in the hands of the mother.

Unexpectedly, it was thrown to the ground by Huo Wei.

"What the hell, come..."

"Mom..." The sweet face of the grievances looked at her mother and was at a loss.

"Are you my daughter, or his daughter, are you used to living in wealth, don't want to come back, huh?" Huo Wei looked at the child's viciously questioned.

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