My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3011: Forgotten island (20)

"I didn't, Mom... I didn't." Sweet scared tears in his eyes and looked at such a strange mother.

"Huo Wei, enough... don't let the child suffocate, she is innocent."

Shen Mingxi can't stand it anymore...

"You shut me up, I discipline my daughter, what qualification do you have to intervene? Who are you not a child?" Huo Wei Shen Mingxi seems to have hate.


"How? Do you think I don't know what kind of ghost idea you are playing? You are a fake person who wants to pretend to be a good old man... Let outsiders see that you think that Shen Mingxi is affectionate, break up with his mistress, and take care of her children. So that Wei Ying’s woman is soft, I feel that you are kind, come back with you?”

"How are you so dark now?" Shen Mingxi sighed slightly.

Looking at this kind of Huo Wei, there is no longer a little shadow in the past.

"What? Is it wrong for me?"

"This thing has not been related to Wei Ying, you should not pull her in."

"Oh, is it your distressed wife?"

"Huo Wei, you said enough, no..."

"No, how can I say that is enough? Who is it like this? I am not all of you. You are now one by one, still beautiful, and I am? All the relatives are gone, they are all Dead... my dad, my mom, my brother... they are all dead."

Huo Hao shouted loudly.

"So far, you still don't understand. You attribute all the mistakes to others. This is a kind of performance that does not bear no responsibility. What do you do ridiculous things before, I don't care about you, we two People don't have to mention things, but sweetness has always been the most innocent. Since you brought her to the world, you must love her. Don't let you infuse her like your mother taught you. A lot of hatred, then her life will be ruined."

"Shen Mingxi, you don't want to be full of morality and benevolence. You are actually not so noble? You just think that if you are sweet, you will be poked. In order to maintain your image as a male god, you must also pretend. Take care of my daughter, yes, such charity and pity, is it interesting? Is it tired to be a show?"

"I am not a show, I really want to take care of sweetness." Shen Mingxi was angry.

"You are such a person, doing things is purposeful. Do you want to raise my daughter, so that the old cows can eat her young grass?"

Huo Wei finished this sentence.

Uh... Shen Mingxi’s slap in the face...

Unrelenting, hit the hot cheeks of Huo's cheeks.

"As a mother, in front of the child, what are you talking about? Huo Wei... You are really crazy..." Shen Mingxi couldn’t bear it, and the vicious words that Huo Wei said, really again Can't stand it. Her statement is dirty and the ghost knows.

"Shu Shushu..."

Sweet and scared, at the crucial moment, turned and ran to Shen Mingxi, hugged his thigh and cried.

"Small beast, I am raising you, now you are abandoning your mother for a person who has no blood relationship with you."

Huo was on the cheek to be beaten, watching her daughter say evilly.

"Since the disease is good, just cure it."

Drop this sentence, Shen Mingxi walked away with sweetness.

"You give me back, bastard..." Huo Wei suddenly got up and went crazy to catch Shen Mingxi.

But the policewoman was stopped outside the door and then locked.

"Hawthorn's disease is not only beautiful, but more important, I will tell you the Secretary, continue to treat here." Shen Mingxi coldly confessed to the policewoman.

"Shen Mingxi, you can't die... You want to take over my daughter, you deliberately shut me, you will have retribution."

Huo Wei’s curse behind him...

City bureau entrance

"Sweet, Shen Shushu arranged for you to study abroad, is it good?" Shen Mingxi asked with a sour eyes.

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