My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3013: God-like professor (2)

"Auntie, this... how can I persuade you, you know, Ming Xige... I have never heard of me."

When Wei Ying said this sentence, it was also a look of embarrassment.

If she really has such a big charm, wouldn’t it be the step of divorce with Shen Mingxi?

"No, Xiaoying, you don't know. After this Mingxi car accident, he became a little different from before. It seems that he saw the character of Huo Wei's woman, and it also changed for you, especially After you have given him a blood transfusion, you can say that it is his savior... I think if you come out, he will think about it."

"Aunt, I..." Wei Ying looked embarrassed.

"Xiao Ying, you see, Mingxi is so busy with work now, but also with a drag bottle, not only the people behind us in the circle to poke the backbone, but also laugh at what he is looking for, to raise the mother to raise the daughter, so 龌龊Anyone who listened to it would be uncomfortable. I had looked for him before, and asked him to send the child to the orphanage. But he did not agree with life and death. They couldn’t get the heart, they were not so ruthless, the children were innocent and not fake. But as soon as I think of her disgusting mother, I am particularly uncomfortable in my heart. You said yes, Xiaoying?"

"Ming Xie may have his own ideas." Wei Ying said.

"My own son, I understand that he is too soft."

"Really, but Ming Xige has lived with the child for a while, and it is human nature to have compassion."

Wei Ying held the coffee shop and said slowly.

"I don't object to him taking care of the child, but can you use other methods? I said to help him contact a family without children and send the child out. It is also delicious and spicy. Isn't it good?" Helpless.

"That's the matter... I think the most important thing is to look at his attitude?"

"Yeah, Mingxi is a dead-hearted person, just like when we were so opposed, he still insisted on divorce... Xiaoying, Auntie begged you, you talk, okay?"

"Auntie, I try my best, my relationship with Mingxige now, I am afraid to say more, he will be disgusted."

"He won't, he will definitely consider your words, you are a savior."

"But I can't impose any unwilling thoughts on him because he is his savior." Wei Ying smiled.

"In short, you look for an opportunity to talk about it, it is the biggest help for the aunt."

Mrs. Shen is also selfish. In order to prevent Shen Mingxi from raising her daughter, she found Wei Ying’s head.

Wei Ying knew that she should not manage it. She knew that she had a few points, but she couldn’t help Mrs. Shen’s words. When it comes to this, it doesn’t seem to help.

"That... I try my best, Aunt, I can only say that I try my best."

"That would be great, Xiaoying, thank you."

"you are welcome."

Wei Yingxi smiled.

I thought that Wei Ying had a chance to meet Shen Mingxi in a few days. I didn’t expect to meet at the party that night. The two met again.

"Hey? Xiaoying, look, isn't that your ex-husband?"

A famous lady pushed around, Wei Ying.

Wei Ying, wearing a dark blue evening gown, looked up and saw Shen Mingxi not far away.

He still has a five- or six-year-old girl in his hand, wearing a princess dress, very pretty.

"Isn't that Huo's daughter? Really adopted by Shen Gongzi? What's the matter?" Someone whispered in the crowd.

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