My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3014: God-like professor (3)

"Yeah, you said, why is Shen Gongzi... I have to find trouble for myself."

"That is, the child's mother is not a good thing. When she grows up, it is definitely not a good thing. How can I say that the words are not on the beam?"

"Shen Gongzi's heart is too soft, it is estimated that it is reluctant, although it is not a biological one, but after all, living together, people always have feelings."

"Is it? I don't think so. I can hear that some people have rumored that Shen Gongzi has any pedophilia, and he wants to keep it."

After this sentence was finished, Wei Ying heard the face and changed her face.

Go straight and pull down and say, "You seem to be very leisurely? Is it interesting to talk about these other people's gossips all day?"

A few famous ladies look at each other, some awkward...

"At this age, we must cherish life, don't worry about the loss of a big broken bowl in the home of the Western parents." Wei Ying said.

"Xiao Ying, are we just fighting for you? That Shen Mingxi was so right for you..."

"That's my own business, I don't plan, what are you doing?"

See Wei Ying saying that several socialites dare not say more...

In the C city, the Wei family is still amazing, and few small companies dare to confront the Wei family.

Especially know the relationship between Wei Liao and Su Yu...

Therefore, I know that Wei Ying deliberately swears at them, but she does not dare to give up.

Subsequently, Wei Ying walked to one side...

Shen Mingxi walked in with the child, simply greeted some acquaintances, and then went to the child to take a mousse cake to eat.

"Uncle Shen, when are we going home?"

"Wait a minute, my uncle wants to meet a friend, talk about something, then we will go."

"Okay, can I take it for myself at a time?" asked sweetly.

"Yes, don't be careful not to eat too much, it will hold." Shen Mingxi patiently told sweet.

When Wei Ying came over, sweet just went to the other side to take the ice cream.

After Shen Mingxi and the people finished greeting, just wanted to hold a cocktail, Wei Ying took the initiative to help him get it.

"Thank you."

When Shen Mingxi raised his head and said thank you, he saw Wei Ying in front of him.

"Ming Xie, your injury... is it okay? Listen to the aunt and say, have you returned to the group to work?"

"Well, it’s not a big problem, there are some small injuries, and it’s not anxious."

"That's good..." Wei Ying nodded.

"Have your brother not come with you?" Shen Mingxi looked behind Wei Ying.

"Oh, no, my brother and nephew recently seemed to be overwhelmed by the things of the Qin family. My relationship with Mrs. Qin has always been very good. It is still a serious illness."

"It turned out to be the case."

It seems that people in the circle also know about the accidents of Qin Chu's family, but because of the many people here, Shen Mingxi did not say much.

"Ming Xie Ge, that child..." I thought that Shen Ying had to speak about her.

I heard someone calling her behind me...

"Xiao Ying."

Wei Ying turned her head and saw Ye Chaoyang, a black casual suit, coming over with champagne.

"Looking for you for a long time, you are here." Ye Chaoyang smiled.

Waiting for Wei Ying to speak, he took off his suit and put it on Wei Ying.

"The air conditioning is a bit big here, don't catch cold."

"Amount...Thank you." Wei Ying was a little embarrassed and bowed her head.

"Hey? Shen, so know us Xiaoying?" Ye Chaoyang smiled and asked Shen Mingxi.

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