My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3015: God-like professor (4)

Shen Mingxi just wanted to talk, and Ye Chaoyang said, "Oh, I think of it, you seem to be the scum male ex-husband of our Xiaoying..."

"Ye Chaoyang..." Wei Ying was anxious.

"Sorry, slippery, I am also listening to others to say so, only to say it, I will not blame me for a large number of adults?"

"No." Shen Mingxi looked at him, and his heart was obviously very upset.

"Xiao Ying, my mother and my aunt are coming. On there, I will take you to say hello?"

Wei Ying wanted to refuse, but she knew that Ye Chaoyang did not seem to like Shen Mingxi.

If you don't go, it is inevitable that Ye Chaoyang will think that she is because Shen Mingxi is here, in order not to provoke more right and wrong.

Wei Ying nodded and said goodbye to Shen Mingxi.

"Ming Xie, then I have passed."

"it is good."

After turning a few steps, Wei Ying stayed in the footsteps and looked at Ye Chaoyang sideways.

"Is it fun?"

"Ah?" Ye Chaoyang pretended to know nothing.

"I ask you, is it fun?" Wei Ying was a little angry.

"Xiao Ying, am I not trying to help you out? He used to be like you..."

"Shut up, that's something between me and him, and don't say what's going on between me and him. It's not your turn to intervene. What are you, who are you?"

"Xiao Ying, we..."

"We? We have nothing... I haven't promised you anything... Your home is down now, your dad wants to develop new projects with my dad, that's the thing between them, you can also find my brother. Go talk...but don't try to get close to me, I will never marry again with my own, you will see Shen Mingxi later, but don’t be so yin and yang, I really look down on you just now. That face."

After that, Wei Ying turned around and left.

Ye Chaoyang is obviously very upset, but he dare not say anything.

Wei Ying said the fact that Ye Jia really needs Wei's help.

His pursuit of Wei Ying is indeed purposeful, but not all for the benefit.

Wei Ying's pungency, decisiveness, and even beauty, he really likes it.

"When I have passed this difficult home, I am chasing you in a big way... Shen Mingxi wants to remarry? There are no doors." Ye Chaoyang whispered.

Wei Ying was originally planning to change her clothes. On this occasion, she has no interest.

Just passing by the promenade, I found that Huo's daughter was there to eat ice cream, a small figure, carefully there.

People look at the solid sour...

At this time, a man passed by her side, when the little girl got up, accidentally knocked over the tray in her hand.

The ice cream was poured directly into the man's suit...

"Whose child is this, so uncultivated?" The man yelled.

"Sorry, uncle, I didn't mean it." Sweetie was scared and immediately extended to help the person wipe.

"Get out, don't touch my pants, take off your dirty hands..." The man seemed to be grumpy.

At this time, the female partner around the man came over. "Dear, what happened?"

"I don't know who the child is, get me..." The man frowned and frowned.

"This... seems to be the child brought by Shen Gongzi." The woman looked sweet.

"Shen Gongzi? So, this is the drag bottle?" The man said viciously.

"I am not dragging the oil bottle...." Sweet does not understand the meaning of the three words of the oil bottle, but also knows that it is not a good word.

"It turned out to be the daughter of Huo Wei's ****, is it a face of Sao... Is your mother teaching you how to seduce a man from an early age, you are deliberately attracting my attention." The man pointed at the child's viciousness Ramp.

Wei Ying finally couldn't see the past, walked on the high heels and walked over...

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