My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3016: God-like professor (5)

"So big people are bullying children, aren't they afraid to pass out and be killed by jokes?"

"Who are you? What are you doing?" The man turned his head and yelled at Wei Ying.

But suddenly I was pulled by my female partner...

Then whispered, "Dear, don't be impulsive, this is Miss Wei Jiada."

One listened to the Wei family, the man suddenly changed his attitude, and lost his smile. "Ah, it turned out to be Wei Damei, long-awaited."

Wei Ying glanced at the man, a faint opening. "If I remember correctly, you are the illegitimate child outside the high family? How...when you are recognized by the high school, you don't know who you are?"

"You..." The man did not expect Wei Ying to give face, directly revealing his shortcomings.

"What are you, a big man, bullying a child, how are you?" Wei Ying walked over and guarded her in front of sweetness.

"It's not because of this little beast, it makes me slim." The man is arrogant.

"Children are so small, they are not intentional, they have to spare people and spare people. Do you have no children in the future?" Wei Ying asked.

"Wei Ying sister, this child, do you know who it is?" The woman suddenly interrupted and asked.

Wei Ying sneered, no direct answer.

"Wei Ying sister, this child is the daughter of Huo Wei's fox, don't forget how the woman broke your marriage." The woman added oil and vinegar.

"There is a debt to the Lord, and Huo's things have nothing to do with the children. I am not so stupid, to take a child to suffocate."

"Amount...that's okay." The woman gave up her mouth and watched Wei Ying not to show her feelings.

"Let's go, dear..." The woman pulled the man just to go.

"Stop." Wei Ying shouted behind her.

"Miss Wei Da, what instructions?" A man and a woman turned back, obviously a bit uncomfortable.

"You... apologize to the children for your words and deeds." Pointing at the man, Wei Ying said one word.

"What do you say, let me apologize to a daughter of ****, are you mistaken?" The man seemed to be on fire.

"Don't say it is so ugly, your mother seems to be a small three-up, 50 steps to laugh." Wei Ying did not care.

"Wei Ying, don't be too much... Don't think that you are a Wei family, you can be lawless." The man is hot.

"I am not lawless. I am telling the truth. The child has already apologized for the ice cream on your body, but you can't hold it, the bad words are opposite, which is unfair to the child."

"Wei Ying sister, are you interested in helping the children of the enemy like this?" The woman did not seem very happy.

"I love who I am, it is my business. If you don't apologize, you will be against me Weijia. If I remember correctly, Gaojia seems that many businesses are asking us to help us. Why, if you want me. Say to my dad, break your high family road, and drive you out of this defeated family?" Wei Ying is quite overbearing.

When the man heard Wei Ying say this, he suddenly stunned...

In this city, there are very few consortia that can compete with the Wei family. Gaojia is only a nouveau riche, and can only be regarded as a small household.

Even Ye Family did not dare to offend, let alone the Wei family.

The man did not dare to offend Wei Ying, so he immediately changed his attitude and smiled. "Miss Wei Da, you exalt your hands, forgive us once, can you?"

"Wrong, not to apologize to me, is with her." Wei Ying pointed to sweet.

There are more and more people watching at this time...

Shen Mingxi did not know when he stood in the middle of the crowd and looked at it quietly.

"How? Is the road still not?" Wei Ying stunned, glaring at the man with a wretched face.

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