My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3017: God-like professor (six)

There are more and more people who see the onlookers, and they are very faceless.

"Dear... what to do?" The woman whispered the man's hand.

"Get out of the way." The man apparently impatiently opened the woman's hand.

In the end, he bit his teeth and walked to sweetness.

Sweet scared to hide behind Wei Ying...

"Don't be afraid, the person who did the wrong thing is him, not you. Now he apologizes to you."

Wei Ying turned and walked sweetly.

"I'm sorry, child, I take back what I just said." The man said with no anger.

"Is it okay? Miss Wei Da?" The man asked impatiently.

"Yes, I hope you can pay attention to your words and deeds in the future." Wei Ying did not argue.

Everyone can’t see the excitement, and they’re all gone.

Wei Ying took the child's hand and just went to find Shen Mingxi, and he saw Shen Mingxi just behind him.

"I just want to go to see you and see her. After all, there are many people here, and everyone has it."

Wei Ying released her hand and sent sweets to Shen Mingxi.

"Shu Shushu..." Sweet immediately rushed to Shen Mingxi.

"It's okay, sweet?"

"Nothing, this little aunt saved me." Sweet can also distinguish between good and bad, although it is not clear what happened just now.

But Shen Mingxi also has a meeting.

I don't know how, if he had his character before, he should immediately rush to go up and clean up the scum man and let him force his face.

But this time, watching Wei Ying do this, he actually wants to see how much she can handle.

The result is really satisfactory, and the identity of Miss Wei Jiada is still very pressing...

In the past, Shen Mingxi always felt that Wei Ying was carrying her own identity as Miss Wei Jiada, flying and trekking and bullying others.

It is only now that she has also had the time to do justice.

If it is someone else, the person she cares for is the daughter of Huo Wei.

And she knew that she was Huo's daughter, but she gave up her suspicion and stepped forward.

No matter how people around me talk about her, this courage is a bit moved by Shen Mingxi.

"Xiao Ying, thank you." Shen Mingxi said.

"Hey, thank you, little things, just that kid, obviously is the scum man, his own virtue, but also bully the child, it is a shame." Wei Ying did not care.

"But you have to be careful in the future, the man is obviously a vengeful." Shen Mingxi reminded.

"Do not worry, I will be careful." Wei Ying smiled lightly.

"when are you leaving?"

"I am pulling right away, I am really sleepy..." I yawned, Wei Ying said.

"Do you drive by yourself?" Shen Mingxi asked.

"No, my driver sent me."

"Oh, well, then go back early."

"Well." Wei Ying nodded and turned away.

In fact, Shen Mingxi originally wanted to say that if you drive by yourself, it is not safe for a person to go back. Take my car.

But I heard Wei Ying said that the driver did not pick up the words.

After Wei Ying left, Shen Mingxi took the children out of the hotel venue.

"Shu Shushu."


"Do you like that little aunt?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because I think when you look at her, your eyes are different..."

"What is that look?" Shen Mingxi smiled and asked sweet.

"That is a very friendly look. You used to see Mommy like that... Later... I don't know when it started, Mommy changed, you changed, everyone changed..."

Speaking of this, sweet and low head is very frustrating.

"Sweet, Shen Shushu and your mommy..." Shen Mingxi suddenly did not know what to say.

At this time, I only heard a loud noise behind me... Shen Mingxi’s car was slammed into it...

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