My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3019: God-like professor (eight)

"it is good."

Acheng heard the words, and the three were in the ward of Qin Chu.

Gaoran walked over, wet the towel with warm water, wring it out, and carefully guard Qin Chu to wipe his face.

Su Yu took out a cigarette and just wanted to pump it, only to think of it as a ward.

Then I helplessly let go...

"When did you start to help Qin Chu?"

"It’s been a long time, or when Qin has helped my child to undergo heart surgery..." Acheng answered honestly.

"How much do you know about Horsham's plan?"

"Specific, boss... He never said, I only know that the boss has always wanted to get Miss Huo."

"He should have deliberately opened you on the day of the accident?" Su Yu recalled.

"Yes, and he knew at the time that I was a traitor, it was deliberate. Later, I sent someone to kill me. Fortunately, the people of Qin arrived."

"What kind of island did you mention before, what happened?" Su Yu asked.

"I haven't been there before, and I don't know where I am, because there is someone specializing in it, not domestic. Huo Siqian went to the past every time. No one knows where he went, but I guess, He must have a very detailed plan to bring Miss Huo."

“Is there anyone else who knows about the island?”

"Then I don't know. In China, the most trusted person of Huo Siqian is me?" Acheng is still a bit confident on this point.

"What foreign powers do you have?"

"Boss, no, Huo Siqian, he has a good relationship with the Ian family, especially with Ian’s brother Narlo, but I just heard that because I have not seen it, it is said that he was known when he was studying abroad. These years have always been there, but every time Huo Siqian goes abroad, he will not bring us."

Gao Ran turned his head and said, "Huo Siqian is very suspicious and will not fully believe in them, so I guess he has a group of people abroad."

"I just want to know where the island is?" Su Yu sighed slightly.

"I really don't know about this. If I know, I have already told Qin that I will not let him look like this."

When Acheng said this, he looked back at Qin Chu, who was unconscious, and he was guilty.

"So you also believe that Huo Siqian is not dead, Huo Mian is still alive, right?" Su Yu looked at Acheng and asked.

"Well, I don't think he is as easy to ask for death, but it's hard to say that if the second person comes out, he will do whatever he wants."

"Second personality?" Su Yu seems to rarely hear people say about the second personality of Huo Siqian.

A city simply said it...

"Every time he appears in the second personality, it is very terrible, it can be said that it is a big kill." Acheng added.

"Is there any possibility that the dead man is his second personality, and he is ruined?" Su Yu asked.

"This is not scientific. If it is to destroy the mouth, the most **** thing is that Acheng is right, but Acheng is fine." Gao Ran analysis.

"I don't think it is like it. If I look at it, if Huo Siqian is not dead, it will not be domestic again. It may have already been on the island." Acheng said slowly.

"It’s an island. Everyone is talking about the island, but who can tell me where the island is? There are so many oceans and islands around the world, where do I go?"

Su Yu suddenly fell into despair...

At this time, his cell phone rang...

He looked down at the strange number and answered it.

"Su Yu, I am Rick." The man over there said in very standard Chinese.

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