My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3020: God-like professor (9)

Received a call from Rick, to be honest, Su Yu is a surprise.

Because he had asked for Rick before, he would not be vague.

As long as you can contact an authoritative doctor in the United States, then Qin Chu has hope.

"Rick, is there any news over there?" Su Yu asked.

"Looking for a lot, I can't say it." Rick's tone was a bit heavy.

"What should I do?"

"Actually, I know that there is someone who can save Qin Chu."


"Land smoke," Rick said.

"Who is Luyan?" Su Yu forced, completely did not hear these two words, it sounds like a woman's name.

"Huo Mian didn't tell you?"

"No." Su Yu directly returned.

"Oh, it seems that she is still very cautious about this matter."

"Who is the land smoke?" Su Yu asked.

After all, Rick said that this is a person who can save Qin Chu, and Rick has never been a person who believes in the river.

If he said that it would save the Qin Chu, it is definitely not a general generation.

So more and more curious about this person called Luyan.

"How do you say this? This matter is very important. It involves a lot of privacy. I can't say much without the permission of the parties. I can only say that Luyan is a trustworthy person, and The care of Qin and Qin Chu is definitely not less than ours. The most important thing is that she definitely has this ability." Rick said vowed.

" god, if this is the case, then contact this one called Luyan, let her hurry to save people?"

Su Yu is not willing to ask more, I thought, as long as it can help Qin Chu, then it doesn't matter what it is called.

"Lu Xun's whereabouts have always been erratic, I can only say that I try to contact... As for whether I can find it, I have no end in my heart."

Su Yu:...

He really wants to say, then what did you say about a bunch of nonsense?

But he also understands that when Qin Chu is in trouble, Rick must be anxious.

Therefore, Rick must have exhausted all methods, and it is definitely a last resort.

"Well, I know that you will try your best, it will be." Su Yu said.

"Yes, I will." Rick, who has always been vocal, said only four words.

"That's it, contact."

"I will return to the country in the near future, regardless of whether I contacted the land."

Before hanging up the phone, Rick and Su Yu said.

After asking about Acheng and talking to Rick, Su Yu’s mood was not very good.

Although I know that Huo Siqian has an island, I don’t know the location at all, just like finding a needle in a haystack.

Wanting to find hibernation in the short term may be a long way to go...

Then, Rick said that the United States could not contact the doctor to perform surgery for Qin Chu. He could only rely on a land smoke that he could not contact.

For a time, frustration hit the heart.

Su Yu feels that she is not doing well enough. Now Huo Mian Qin Chu both have an accident.

In addition to taking care of their children, he is powerless to other things and feels like a waste.

In the evening, when Su Yu went back, it was already ten o'clock in the middle of the night.

I thought that the twins were all asleep, and Su Yu planned to sneak a peek at them and sleep.

I didn't want to. After I went in, I found that the pudding and the peas had a dispute.

"Su just came back." Douding said his face was not very good.

"What's wrong? You don't sleep at night, what's the situation?" Su Yu wondered.

"Su Shuai, I want to go home, you send me home."

"What's wrong? Doudin?" I heard that Douding is going home, Su Yu's heart, and then walked over, one hand to pick up the Bean Ding.

"I want to squat and Mommy... I want to go home, I don't plan to live here, my sister won't go, she will stay alone here." Douding seems a little angry.

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