My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3022: God-like professor (11)

"Don't follow." The answer from Pudding is also determined.

Then he said that he had to add a knife, "Go back to yourself."

"Hey, don't you bother to be so stiff?" Su Yu was in a dilemma.

"Well... this is what you said. Since you like to stay here, you will stay for a lifetime. Don't think that I don't know. You don't like Wei Yunchu at all. You just want to stay and give us Su Shuai as a wife. You Qin Chao is so motivated by you, I can't look down on you as a sister, hehe."

After that, Douding doesn't wait for the pudding to talk, picking up the small bags that were packed beforehand and going out.

Su Yu is also completely forced...

"Qin Hao, what are you talking nonsense... Are you a paste in your head?" The pudding was also drunk.

Seeing the peas open the door and go downstairs, Su Yu quickly rushed out.

A pudding man sitting in the room, too lazy to control her.

Do not tell the true situation of Douding, that is, know that her ability to withstand the power is not strong.

Pudding knows that she is a sister, so even if she is sad, she must be smiling.

Unexpectedly, Douding is just like eating the wrong medicine today. I don't know how to go home.

And it’s quite annoying to look like it’s unreasonable.

The pudding himself is also a child, and he is a young child.

Therefore, the two sisters began to argue at first. Later, when they saw good words and did not listen, the pudding simply did not bother to speak.

Unexpectedly, the Bean Ding was even more outrageous to start packing clothes.

It seems that the intention to move away has been decided.

Su Yu chased the building and stopped the bean pudding in the hall downstairs.

Mrs. Su is old and rests early.

Early in the morning, she thought that the sisters had already rested during this time.

In the empty hall, only Su Yu and Doudin are left.

"Doudou, in the middle of the night, what are you doing?"

"Go home."

"It's dark outside now."

"I am not afraid, I can take a taxi."

"Do you have money? I am talking about cash, but the taxi only accepts cash?" Su Yu said deliberately.

"Yes." Douding nodded.

"Is there cash?" Su Yu looked at him with a sullen look.

"Yes, there are a lot."

Said, Doudou took out a few hundred yuan from the Audi bag carrying his shoulders.

"Amount... Where did you come from?"

Su Yu remembers that when they came, they didn’t bring any money. They both eat and drink here. If they want to buy anything, they are all bought by Mrs. Su.

Where is the cash from the child?

"I used the WeChat red envelope to cash in with the little Alan in the kitchen."

Su Yu:...

"You have a small head that turns very fast." Su Yu can not laugh.

"Su Shuai, you are hiding, I am leaving."

"Where to go, there is no one in your family. Really, now Nanshan Castle is black and lacquered... It’s horrible. If there is a vampire zombie or something, what do you do?" Su Yu deliberately scared the Bean Ding.

Unexpectedly, Douding looked at Su Yu with a look of disdain. "Su Shuai, how old are you?"

"Amount?" Su Yu is a bit dumbfounded.

"Even my three-year-old child does not believe in these messy things, what ages, but also believe in ghosts and gods? Ignorance of ignorant humans..." Douding sighed.

Su Yu:...

"Doudou, there is no one in your house."

"Then I will go back, I will sleep well."

"What about eating?"

"I can order the takeaway myself, I have a lot of money on WeChat." Douding said extremely refreshingly.

"When you take a shower, express delivery to deliver food, no one opens the door, how much?" Su Yu is also rich in imagination.

"NO, when I take a shower, I don't want to take it out, I want to take it out, I don't want to take a shower, thank you." Douding answered quite a bit.

"That... you have to think about your sister, what should I do? After all, you two grew up together and didn't separate each other." Su Yu began to play emotional cards.

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