My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3023: God-like professor (12)

"Thinking about her? Just kidding... The person I don't want to see the most is her." Douding was annoyed.

When I mentioned my sister, I still looked angry. It seems that this time, I was really mad by the pudding.

"You two sisters, what are you saying?"

"I told her well, but you look at her arrogant look... Emma, ​​as if without her, I can't survive."

"Haha, I know no, we are the best." Su Yu began to glare at her.

"Su Shuai, I tell you, I know that you are smart, don't think about setting me... I don't want to eat you... In short, I am going home now."

"Don't stop, you can't listen to Uncle Su."

"If there is anything, send me a WeChat and say goodbye."

After that, the peas are going to go out...

Su Yu also decided that it would be rough, and the bean diced would be forcibly picked up and sent upstairs.

But before he even had time to do it, he heard the pudding not far behind him saying, "Douding, squatting and mommy have an accident. Can you not mess around at this time?"

"What are you talking about?" Douding just took a few steps and turned to look at her sister on the railing on the second floor.

"Oh...." Su Yu sighed and knew that this couldn't hold the fire in the paper. It seems that he will showdown with Bean Ding tonight.

"You just talked nonsense, Qin Chaochao? Who has an accident? How can you curse our land and Mommy... Do you have any conscience?" Doudou shouted loudly.

"All I said is true. Mommy has been caught on the cliff by the big bad guys. Now life and death are unknown. I am stunned and stunned by stunned blood. I have been in the hospital for several days."

"You lied." The Bean Ding reacted very intensely.

"I have not lied, you ask Su Shuai to know." Pudding is always a quiet face.

But in fact, my heart is already over the sea.

"Su Shuai, what she said just now... is it true?" Pointing at the pudding on the second floor, the bean Beans asked with tears.

"Amount..." Su Yu is also a supportive man, do not know to comfort the child.

"Su Shuai, tell me now, or her stinky temper, it must be noisy to go home, Nanshan Castle now has no ghost shadows, do you go home?" Pudding is also very angry, stunned After several days of grievances and sadness, I vented it all at once.

"Doudou, you listen to me... you are squatting, really in the hospital, but I believe he will wake up soon." Su Yu gentle comforted Bean Ding.

"I don't believe, I don't believe... you are lie to me, you just don't want me to go home, but they conspire to lie to me." Douding shook his head and said.

"No one lie to you, don't tell you at first, because you feel that you can't bear it, but now, if you don't say it, you have to make a fuss... I can't hold it anymore, every day is scared, afraid of swearing I can't wake up, I am afraid of the death of Mommy. I am fed up with such a day."

After that, the pudding squatted down and took the wooden railing on the second floor, crying very sad.

This is completely dumbfounded by Bean Ding...

She knows that even if the pudding is joking, she will never make a joke about cursing the land and Mummy.

Well, everything she said is true

Big bad guy holding Mummy jumping off the cliff? Are you stunned? God... this is a strong loss.

In the end, Wow’s peas burst into tears.

Looking at the pudding crying on the second floor, and the bean pudding crying downstairs, Su Yu’s heart was completely broken.

The Qin and Huo couples had been in trouble for many days. He did not even take care of the children. This moment, it was really guilty.

"What happened, what happened? How did the two children cry?" Hearing the voice, Mrs. Su got up in her nightgown and walked out with her eyes.

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