My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3030: God-like professor (19)

"Su Shuai, you don't talk about credit." Pudding immediately flatted his mouth.

"How can I not talk about credit?"

"You just said, what I said, you promised."

"But your request is too unreasonable, I can't promise." Su Yu continued to face.

"How can it be unreasonable? Do I just want to move home with my sister?"

"And the old man whose origin is unknown?" Su Yu asked.

"He is not an old man of unknown origin, but he is..." Said the Pudding paused here.

Xiao Yan’s words once again came to my heart. Xiao Yan said that his grandfather’s identity is special and he can’t just talk to people.

Don't even say Su Yu for the time being, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Although the pudding does not know what his grandfather is, he is not wrong.

So when the words came to the mouth, they were swallowed back by the pudding.

"He is... what?" Su Yu also seems to see the pudding's words and stops, so I want to continue to talk.

"He is the one who can save me."

"Budding, are you sure there is nothing to look at me?" Su Yu's eyes are quite sharp.


"Then you believe him so much, I believe that I have to go back to Nanshan Castle with my sister and live with him. Do you think it will be safe?"

"I believe in him."

"It’s just a mess."

Su Yu is really angry this time...

"Su Shuai, you just promised me, can't repent, don't waste time, everyone said that they can help me cure the disease, first detoxification, I guess it won't take long for me to wake up, to When he will tell you everything, he will explain everything you can't understand."

"But you know but don't tell me the truth." Su Yu looked at Pudding's eyes.

The pudding was a little guilty, bowed his head and could not look at Su Yu’s eyes.

In the end, after ten seconds of silence.

Su Yu said, "But, since you believe him so much, then go with him. I will send people back directly when I am going back. I thought that when you were not with Mommy, the two people you trust the most are I, but I didn't expect... I am not as old as an unknown source."

"Not like this, Su Shuai, we still love you very much." Pudding was in a hurry. He was sad when he listened to Su Yu.

"It doesn't matter, what do you want to do, just do it. I should do my best, and you will take care of me, I will take care of you... Your mommy is not here now, I will try my best to protect you." Land, my Su Yu is very clear to your Qin family."

After that, Su Yu carefully put the child down from the body and put it on the ground.

Then walked to the other side of the corridor...

"Su Shuai... Sorry, you will understand later."

The sound of the pudding was very small. Looking at the back of Su Yu, she was so uncomfortable that she wanted to cry, but she knew sensibly that crying did not solve any problems.

The professor took the pudding hand, left the hospital, and returned to Nanshan Castle.

Su Yu really did not say anything, let people send things to the diners and sisters, but also back to Nanshan Castle.

Later, Su Yu also told Xiao An to bring people in the past and protect the two children around Nanshan Castle.

If you find that the old man has misbehaved, immediately kill.

After doing this, Su Yu still did not trust, he drove directly to the city bureau, looking for Gao Ran.

"This old man, you take a closer look, do you know?" Su Yu took the photo taken on the phone.

Gao Ran came over, looked at it carefully and shook his head. "I don't know."

"I haven't seen it once?"

"I haven't seen it." Gao Ran replied.

"It is strange, who is he?" Su Yu said to himself.

"You didn't check his bottom?" Gao Ran asked.

"Checked, nothing, the information of the old man is blank."

"A blank? Impossible?" Gao is somewhat surprised.

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