My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3031: God-like professor (20)

"It's true." Su Yu looked serious.

"How is it possible? Even ordinary people can't be blank, there will definitely be some basic information, family members or something."

"But he didn't."

"That... isn't it the nationality of our country? Which country is it?"

"I don't know the nationality. What do you mean by a blank? I don't even know the name." Su Yu sighed deeply.

"That's a problem with this. It's absolutely that he deliberately concealed it." Gao Ran said with vigilance.

"I feel so too."

"What? This is the suspect? The person who broke into the ward that day and fainted your bodyguard?" Gao suddenly remembered what happened in the hospital that day.


"Then take out his photo and check what he means?"

"He said that he can save Qin Chu."

"What?" This is even more unexpected.

"Exactly, it is Pudding that the old man can save Qin Chu."

Gao Ran once again looks awkward...

"No, Su Ye, I am listening very awkward now. Can you tell me what is going on?" Gao Ran was ruined.

Su Yu then, after the matter went through the fifteenth and tenth, he said it again.

After listening to Gao, I was silent for a long time.

Then he asked, "So you are now agreeing that the old man with unknown origins will return to Nanshan Castle with his twins?"

"Well." Su Yu nodded.

"This is very risky. You don't even know that he is a good person or a bad person?" Gao Ran felt that Su Yu was too rash.

"I stopped it, but the attitude of the pudding is very strong."

"Pudding, she is still a child, how can you listen to her, let her play around?" Gao Ran got up and looked worried.

"Pudding is not an ordinary child, you should not underestimate her."

"Then maybe she was hypnotized, and brainwashing may not be possible. In short, this thing is too unreliable..." Gao Ran remembers to insert his waist and turn around in the office.

"My people are monitoring the dynamics at that time. If they find something is wrong, they will immediately kill people." Su Yu added.

"Is it urgent? Your people are always outside, something is going on inside, how can they know?"

"Is there a monitor?"

"There are still dead ends in the monitor. Besides, if you kill the child directly, you can't save it."

"I feel that although the old man is mysterious, his body is not murderous. Intuitive, it is not like someone who can be disadvantageous to the twins."

"Su Ye, I am a policeman. I never believed in **** instinct. No, this is too far off. I went to Nanshan Castle, took the children out and brought them to my house. Now Qin Chu and Huo Mian are not there. I can't let the child have an accident."

In this way, Gao Ran and Su Yu seem to disagree.

Although Su Yu is worried about her life, she chooses to believe in Pudding’s words without any excessive behavior.

But Gao is different. He drove five police cars with his men and immediately went to Nanshan Castle.

An unknown island in the Pacific Ocean

After a few days of deadlock with Huo Xiqian, Huo Mian finally had some despair.

She knew that no matter what, it must have escaped the guy's palm.

It's better to get up and see if there is a chance to escape, or to see if there is any defensive flaw here.

Huo Mian got up and changed a piece of white silk dress that Huo Siqian prepared for her. The cuffs and skirts were laced, and the typical straight male cancer choice.

Although it is not the type that Homatsu likes, the clothes are really good-looking and the quality is very good.

Huo Mian took a look at the sign, officially from a luxury big name, the price is in six figures.

After she changed her long skirt, she opened the door to go out...

"Small sleep, you are finally willing to come out and breathe ... not angry with me." Huo Siqian carrying a bamboo pole seems to dare to just come back from the outside.

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