My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3032: Only me and you here (1)

Huo Mian took a cold look at Huo Siqian, and did not say a word to go, directly across the Huo Siqian.

"Small sleep, you are not familiar with here, it will be very dangerous to walk around."

"Are you afraid of me running?"

After Huo Mian asked this sentence, Huo Siqian smiled.

"There are no ships here, you can't run... You know the land closest to here, you have to sit on the boat for two or three days, how can I worry about you running?"

After listening to Huo Siqian’s words, Huo Mian’s heart sank and became more desperate.

"I go out and breathe, I won't go far, don't follow me."

Drop this sentence, Huo Mian will go away...

Sure enough, Huo Siqian did not follow, maybe he knew that Huo Mian’s mood was very messy and complicated.

And she is still a pregnant woman, and it is inevitable that she will be over-excited or emotional.

Huo Mian spent more than two hours walking around the island.

The roads on the island are all human roads, and they are really original.

Compared to the land-based attractions that people deliberately built, it is an island of originality.

The whole island is so big, wildflowers, wild fruits, and many tropical plants that can't be named.

There are also small animals...

The entire island has only one cabin, one bedroom, one living room, one bathroom, one kitchen, one bathroom.

The area is small, but it is also needed, so it is convenient.

Huo Mian did not know how long Huo Xiqian planned to start developing the island.

But I heard him say that it takes two or three days to get to the nearest land by boat, and Huo Mian has a lingering fear.

The sun sets, watching the sunset at dusk, the seagull on the sponge... the scenery of the sea and the sky.

This should be beautiful and beautiful, but her heart is only desolate.

When the sky was dark, Huo Mian returned.

Upon entering the door, I smelled a very strong meal.

Huo Mian looked sideways at Huo Siqian coming out of the kitchen, wearing a blue cloth and black shoes.

"I just want to go out and find you, come back so soon, just eat."

"I don't eat."

After that, Huo Mian cold face to go back to the room.

Huo Siqian did not insult, but rationally put the cooked food up.

Very light, a vegetarian green vegetable, this is a kind of wild vegetables growing on the island, green and oily.

There is also a scrambled egg.

There is also a fish, and Huo Siqian goes to the beach to fish every day, all kinds of.

Sometimes it is a big fish, sometimes a few small fish, and I am doing a different kind of work.

"Small sleep, you are pregnant now, you have to eat more fish. It is said that if you eat fish, your baby will be very smart."

Huo Mian does not speak either...

Huo Siqian patiently prepared the food and then used the tray to reach Huo Mian.

"I know that you don't like to eat with me, then you eat here, I go to the kitchen to eat, okay?"

Huo Mian looked down at these meals, and for a moment, an anger rose.

Raise your hand and knock the food over to the ground...

For a long while, Horsham smiled helplessly.

"Is it not good to eat these days, not with your appetite? Then what do you want to tell me, when my people come to us to eat next month, I will ask them to bring them."

"Huo Siqian, how long do you have to shut me up? Is it interesting to keep a pet like this?" Huo Mian couldn't help but get angry.

"How could it be a pet? Xiaomian, we are a family, I am you... my family."

"Don't be funny, we are never a family, whether emotional or genetic... Huo Siqian, don't deceive yourself, this dream, how long are you going to do?"

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