My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3033: Only me and you here (2)

"If possible, I hope this dream will continue, don't wake up." Huo Siqian's tone took a little pray.

"Don't think about it, you won't get it, Qin Chu will come to me."

"Small sleep, don't be stupid, Qin Chu is just a mortal. This is a secret place that I have deployed over the years. Don't say Qin Chu, it is not so easy to dispatch an army to find you. You like Qin Chu in your heart. You will Take his myth, right? Just said that I am deceiving myself, then what are you?" Huo Siqian laughed.

"I am different from you, Qin Chu will come to me, he will definitely." Huo Mian's attitude is extremely firm.

Yes, Huo Mian’s trust in Qin Chu has even surpassed his trust in himself.

She believes that as long as Qin Chu is still alive, she will be able to find her... no matter where she is?

"Well, Qin Chu will come to you, then let's eat first?" Huo Siqian groaned.

"I'm not hungry."

"You are not hungry, but the baby will be hungry, he is so big." He said, Huo Xiqian glanced at the slightly raised belly of Huo Mian.

Indeed, Huo Mian knows that he should not be willful, he does not eat, but the child will also suffer from his own crimes.

Seeing that Huo Mian is shaking, Huo Siqian will knock over the food on the ground and clean up, then get up and walk to the kitchen.

Once again, I gave Humian a bowl of rice, a bowl of vegetables, and gave the whole body of the fish to Huomian. I only left the fish head and fishtail.

Then Huo Siqian took the pallet again...

Place it on a small table next to the bed.

"This time, you can't overturn it, because you cook so much, you should be hungry when you knock over your baby."

Huo Mian does not say anything...

Then, Huo Siqian returned to the table and ate the rough tea.

Huo Mian looked at the fish in his bowl and was a bit sad.

I remember, when I was young, there was a bad family condition. At that time, Uncle Jing went out to work and did not return.

I have to go to school with my younger brother, and I have to eat, and my mother can save money.

The three of them ate the most potatoes and cabbage. Later, in order to supplement her nutrition, the mother bought the cheap fish in the hands of the fishermen.

After returning home, stew and drink, then the fish will be given to her and Zhixin, and the mother will eat the fish head.

At that time, she and her younger brother were still young. Zhixin also asked her mother, Mom, why do you always eat fish head?

The mother said that the fish head was delicious, but later she grew up to know where the fish head had any meat.

But it is the lie that the mother loves them...

Over the years, although her mother has misunderstood Hun Mian because of the events of the past, her heart is kind.

He has always been raised as a biological daughter of his own, this kind of affection, Huo Mian has always been in mind.

It was not because of the contact with the professor and Luyan that they later alienated Zhixin and the foster mother.

Today, Huo Siqian is a noble man who eats the taste of the sea every day.

But she has to go to this deserted island with no one, and live a life of rough tea. She really can't figure out. Is he really happy to do this?

Huo Mian was silent for a while, and eventually compromised for the children in the stomach.

Pick up the chopsticks and eat slowly.

Huo Siqian is not far away, smiles warmly, no matter what Huo Mian does, he will not be angry, always have patience.

He did not know what happened to him. He used to say that Huo Mian was the soft underbelly of Qin Chu and the weakness of Su Yu.

But it is also his fatal injury...

Ian seems to have seen this, so if you don't take a sleep, Ian will take Huo Mian to threaten him anytime and anywhere.

And Huo Siqian, never allowed such a thing to happen...

Nanshan Castle

"Sister...who is this old man?" When Doingen entered the door, he saw that the pudding and an old man were sitting on the sofa, seeming to study something.

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