My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3037: Only me and you here (six)

Although Luyan did not say, what is the thing like chewing gum?

But Joe did not know that it must be an explosive.

Lu Yan’s favorite thing is to study various explosives.

Otherwise, it will not be targeted by so many terrorists, and it is intended to be used.

Even many European and American drug lords have repeatedly sought to hire her, and even more, directly pay for the explosives of land-based cigarettes.

However, looking at Lu Yan’s demeanor, I know that this time I should have no confidence.

Sure enough, when Joe was rushing out...

It has become a sea of ​​fire outside...

The enemies outside are all on the ground, no life...

The heavy weapons brought by those seem to have not been used urgently.

"Small smoke...small smoke." Joe yelled in a panic, and his heart seemed to have begun to bleed.

The thick fire burned, and Joe’s ears also heard the sound of tinnitus after the explosion.

The bomb was sent out at such a fast speed. He guessed that Luyan must have glued the gum and stuck it on the bullet.

Then shot at the center of the enemy, but because of the closeness, Luyan himself was also implicated.

Joe is like a child who is helpless and desperate, regardless of the shuttle in the fire...

Calling the name of Luyan over and over again...

"Lu Yan... You answer me... Lu Yan, you have to die, I will not forgive you in my life."

"Lu Yan, you are a little beast with no conscience."

"Lu Yan, you are a bastard, a woman who is unrequited, a woman who doesn't count, and says it together..."

Joe Fei has already burst into tears...

In the end, he found land smoke under a big tree...

She is there, she looks dying...

Joe Fei ran quickly...

Looking at Lu Yan’s face and blood on his back, he is really dumbfounded...

"Small smoke..." Joe's excited hand began to tremble.

"What is the ghost, my grandmother is still not dead..." Lu Yan’s voice was weak.

But it is already fortunate to hear her speak.

"Smoke..." Joe was not surprised.

"Joe is perverted, what are you crying... really ugly... don't cry in the future."

Joe is not laughing or crying...

"Joe metamorphosis... If I am really dead, you don't like other women anymore. If you hear no, I will become a ghost and will pester you. The ghost will not scatter, and you will climb your window at night."

"You will not die." Joe did not gently pick up the land smoke, and carefully held it in his arms.

Use her own face to affix her face that is blurred by blood.

He is very sad, such a beautiful, cheerful girl...

Only in my twenties, why are you going to live like hell?

It’s unfair for Joe to hate God for the first time...

"Cough and cough..." Lu Yan suddenly coughed, and a lot of bleeding began in his mouth.

Joe is once again cold...

"Small smoke... How are you?"

"Mom drops... The explosion range is too close, and I almost got into it. Look at them... Are they dead?" Lu Yan still remembered.

"It's all dead, no life."

"That's good... let's go... I guess it hurts the lungs... I need to clean it up."

"Well, I will send you to the hospital." Joe did not pick her up, and there were still tears in his eyes.

"Stupid is not stupid, don't go to the hospital... Ian's people will definitely know."

"What if I don't go to the hospital?"

"You can help me with a knife... I will release the blood squeezed out of my lungs..." Lu Yan said quietly.

"I? What joke are you doing?" Joe Fei collapsed again.

He is a layman who knows nothing about practicing medicine...

"Joe metamorphosis, I am so tired... I want to sleep for a while..." Lu Yan finished, the eyelids began to sink.

"Don't, Xiaoyan, please, don't sleep." Joe was flustered again.

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