My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3038: Only me and you here (seven)

"But I am very tired..."

Seeing that, Lu smoke is indeed exhausted.

"I know, but you want to stick to it?"

"Joe metamorphosis... Do you love me or not?"

"Love loves love." Joe rushed out and said three loves.

"Then will you marry me?"

"Hey you." Joe was very firm and replied.

"After that we have a lot of children, are you good? Maybe I will be like my sister... twins come out..."

"Well, if you want to have a few, do you have a few?"

“Where are we going to get married? Bali, Maldives, Tahiti? Fiji? Las Vegas?” Luyan began to fantasize about the future.

"Where everything is good, as long as you can always be with you."

While Joe was comforting the land, he was looking for a safe place to hide.

In the end, he found a remote cold storage, then opened the door and hugged the land.

Cold places, low temperatures, seem to make the wounds fester slowly...

"Can't go to the hospital, I will go to the doctor to help you."

"Don't, look for a doctor, I will die. I don't believe in their methods. Joe is... you come."

Lu Yan grabbed Joe's hand and said weakly.

"But I am afraid that I can't..."

"You can, I tell you how to do it...."

"That won't work, I don't have any experience." Joe Fei really didn't dare to take Luyan as a white mouse, because it was about human life.

The two were deadlocked in the cold storage.

Inside a presidential suite

Ian is drinking coffee...

The girl dressed in a maid costume trembled on the ground and lowered her head.

"Is this cup of coffee for you?"

"Yes, adults."

"Well, it tastes good." Ian praised the fluent English.

"Thank you for the praise of the grown-up." The maid seemed to be a little excited.

"But who told you to put milk in my coffee, huh?" Ian lowered his head and approached the maid's face and asked her gently.

"I... I think it would be better to put some fresh milk in this coffee," the maid replied.

"What do you think? You took your idea and came to influence me?"

"I can not."

"It really made me get angry... It looks very flattering, but why is it a short-lived look?"

"I am sorry, I am making a cup for you." The maid was so scared that she pleaded for mercy.

"I think, the reason why this coffee is not good, may lack one thing..." Ian God mysteriously close to the face of the maid.


After three seconds, the maid’s neck was cold...

I saw the ring on Ian’s finger and didn’t know when it was open.

A small but extremely sharp blade crossed the maid's throat...

Blood flowed out in a flash...

Ian took the coffee cup and then the blood that had flowed down... The coffee turned dark red for a moment.

And the maid seems to be the same as the statue, and there is nowhere to move, no more words.

After Ian got a cup, he picked it up and put it in his mouth and took a sip.

"Well, this time it tastes good."

"Adult, there are some conditions out there." The man entered the door to report.


"Our people... all are dead."

"How is it possible? Isn't it a long-range heavy weapon attack? Are they waste? So they can't catch the land smoke?" Ian looked up and frowned slightly.

"Lu Yan didn't know what explosives were used, and all of us were dead... but the blood of the land was also found on the scene. She didn't seem to be hurt."

"Is the little girl injured?" Ian asked with some excitement.

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