My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3045: You don't understand my pain (4)

Su Yu got tired and got up, really too lazy to open the door...

Sure enough, after opening the door, I saw Tang Chuan.

Except for him, no one else came to Su Yu in the middle of the night.

"Don't you sleep at night? Or was it driven out by Qin Ning?" Su Yu asked Tang Chuan.

"Hey said... my family is so gentle, how can I catch up with me? I am afraid that you are in a bad mood, a person is bored, come with you."

"Go, don't need you to accompany."

"Hey, you are really drinking, see what I am bringing to you..."

Tang Chuan squatted in a pocket to eat, inside is chicken feet, peanuts, canned fish, ham and other dishes.

"I don't want to eat, I have no appetite."

Su Yu is sitting on the sofa...

"I know that after my nephew disappeared, you have been stunned..."

"Your nephew? Don't be stinky, okay? Are you married to someone Qin Ning, you are called a scorpion..."

I don't know why, listening to Tang Chuan shouting Huo Mianzi, Su Yu always feels weird.

"Haha, you ate this vinegar... you... it’s really menopause, it’s not right, it’s a big coward... It’s terrible than a woman’s aunt.”

"go to hell."

Only Tang Chuan and Su Yu bickered the most, but the atmosphere is not so depressed.

At this time, the doorbell rang again...

Su Yugang wondered, who was it, Tang Chuan got up and went to open the door.

I saw Wei Liao coming in, holding a box of beer in his hand.

"How old Wei Wei came?" Su Yu wondered.

"This kid said, to accompany you to drink tonight, not drunk," Wei Liao said.

"I really don't know, I am not him, I fell in love..." Su Yu smiled helplessly.

"But you are even more terrible than losing love... Su Ye, how long have you been without your company? Since Qin Chu and Huo Mian have an accident... You seem to be decadent." Wei Liao said seriously.

"Oh... I just didn't expect it, it would be like this."

"Twins? Still in your home?" Tang Chuan asked.

"This thing... go back and talk..."

"Ningning's father is coming back tomorrow... Qin Jia Er Lao also knows this thing, telling the truth, since this incident, Ning Ning has washed his face all day, and my heart is also depressed... So tonight, no matter who we are, we are not drunk, right?" Tang Chuan said.

"Well." Su Yu nodded.

"Right, old Wei, how is Xiaowei's nephew?" Tang Chuan turned to look at Wei Liao.

"Also, all day, I was so unhappy, my son and I didn't dare to provoke her." Wei Liao sighed slightly.

"That is normal. Xiaowei's nephew and Xiaomianzi are so ironic... It's such a big thing, hehe... come here, don't say this, drink and drink."

The three big men, in the evening of the big villa, opened and drank.

Su Yu hasn’t been so indulgent for a long time...

So that after a box of beer to drink, it was not enough. Under the shackles of Tang Chuan, Su Yu took out a bottle of 85 years of Lafite.

Finally, to the most happy Tang Chuan of Zhang Luo, drink the wow, cry... dance.

Finally, I fell asleep on the sofa...

On the bench by the pool, Wei Liao and Su Yu are also full of alcohol.

The two of them leaned against the bench and held a cigarette in their hands...

Su Yu picked up the lighter and gave it to Wei Liao. Then they looked up at the starry sky above their heads and were silent.

After a long time, Wei Liao finally spoke first.

"Su Ye... For so long, I have always wanted to ask you, do you love Huo Mian love tired?" Wei Liao asked one word.

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