My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3046: You don't understand my pain (5)

"Tired? Why do you want to say tired words?" Su Yu slightly stunned, seems to wake up some wine.

"Because I am a brother, I feel that you are tired... In these years, there is something in Huo Mian, you always rushed to the front for the first time, and the treatment is good. No one said it was your credit, and it was not well handled. Inexplicable back pot, Huo Mian is in prison, you point your gun at the head, forcing the father to serve softly, regardless of the pressure of public opinion outside to save her... Qin Chu accident, she was stared by Huo Siqian, you will pick her up Go to Sujia to raise a baby until you give birth to a child. After the child is born, you will take care of them from time to time... Now that people have something, they will be handed over directly to you."

"Listen to you saying this, I seem to have done a lot of things, ha." Su Yushuang laughed.

"So, don't you really feel tired?"

"If you feel tired, you are already tired, where is the idea to persist until now?" Su Yu laughed.

"and so……."

"So, my obsession with Xiaomian has never been to measure the value is not worth it, tired and tired... all are the reaction of the subconscious, the most real feeling inside."

"That Su is really an infatuated man."

"Don't talk about infatuation... This is only a few years. When I was eighty years old, when I was old, my eyes were dim, when I walked on the walking stick, I still liked Hugh, then I told me that I was an infatuated man. ""

After Su Yu finished this sentence, she smiled at Wei Liao.

"If I am a woman, I will marry you like this in my next life..."

"Well, I will be a woman in my next life, and I will marry a man like me." Su Yu said.

Then, the two men laughed loudly...

This is also the release of Su Yu after the Qin Huo couple accident, or else, the heart is pressing so many things, it is really about to explode.

The professor is also changing the magic, and teaching the diced medicine to make some fun chemical reactions.

Until the peas were trapped, the professor sent two children back to the room to sleep.

Then a person sat in the living room to develop something about the antidote in Qin Chu.

a country in the Middle East, in a remote cold storage

According to Lu Yan’s instructions, Qiao Fei released the blood stagnant in the lungs and lungs...

Throughout the process, Luyan bites a piece of white gauze, and there is no slamming.

The knife in Joe's hand stabbed her inwardly like that...

No one can understand the feeling of Joe Fei, Lu smoke, he is ten times more painful than Luyan.

But what about it? In this case, is there still a choice?

Lu smoked and sweated a lot, almost fainted a few times...

Holding his fists in his hands, his nails pierced the skin of his palm.

In the end, after watching the blood flow out, Joe did not carefully suture the wound.

"Small smoke... Are you okay?"

"Well." At this time, the land smoke, it has been very difficult to speak, but still strong nodded.

"I am afraid that your wound will be infected. I will go out and buy some antibiotics for you to eat."

"No, I can drink shochu and reduce inflammation."

Said, Lu Yan struggling to raise his hand, pointing to the bag that he carried with him, a bottle of military water bottle, where there is indeed a high level of white wine.

It is Luyan’s own deployment...


"Get it... give it to me."

Joe Fei unscrewed the water bottle, and the smoke was taken over, and two of them were slammed.

Then a sharp cough...

Qiao Fei quickly hugged her in her arms and gently patted her back.

"Joe metamorphosis... We must get out of here... Ian's people will find us soon."

"But you just stitched the wound, you can't go too far..."

"You take my watch first, go find my hand and pick me up... I am here waiting for you."

Then Luyan quickly took off the watch he never left and handed it to Joe Fei...

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