My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3049: You don't understand my pain (eight)

"Well." Pudding seemed to be in a heavy mood, only a single sigh.

"What? It is because today we have to throw all the stocks unhappy, Xiao Fupo?" Su Yu deliberately teased her.

"No, it doesn't matter. Money and stocks are things outside."

"Nani... What??"

"Su Shuai, I am a little worried about my mommy..."

"Your mommy?" Hearing Pudding said that Huo Mian, Su Yu was a little embarrassed.

"My mommy is pregnant with a baby... I haven't know where to take it with Horsham..." The pudding looked down.

"Huo Siqian is bad, but it is still very good for your mommy. This is what I saw with my own eyes... So pudding, you can rest assured that your mommy will not be wronged." Su Yu comforted him.

"No, Su Shuai...not like that, things are not that simple."

"What do you think, pudding?"

Su Yu knows that the pudding has always been a very serious child, so unhappy, after all, is a lot of things in my heart.

"Horschon is very good for my mommy. His normal time does not hurt my mommy... but don't forget, he has a double personality."

Su Yu’s face changed slightly...

"Budding, how did you know this?"

"When I was chatting with Mommy, I didn't mean to hear it... Probably, when Horsham was normal, how was it good. Once the second personality appeared, it completely became another one. People... When he was, he didn’t want to hurt my mommy, and he couldn’t control it.”

Su Yu listened to Pudding and said that he was panicked...

Huo Siqian has a dual personality. In the circle of these people, it is no secret. Everyone knows.

Although Su Yu has not seen the bird after Huo Siqian's transformation, it is conceivable how cruel it will be.

"What can I do..." Su Yu was also panicked.

"My grandfather said, it will make me wake up very quickly... I woke up and I just knew how to find Mommy."

"Well, I hope so." Su Yu sighed slightly.

"I hope Mommy and the baby are fine..." The pudding looked depressed at the window.

The two then went to the stock hall and did a series of operations. In fact, for them, it is not important for them to disappear.

Because that is itself an empty shell left by Huo Siqian.

Huo Siqian didn’t care about himself...

After the incident, Su Yu took the pudding directly to the Star Emperor, Su Yu went to the meeting, and Pudding sat in the office waiting for him.

Brushing financial news...

"Su total, are you there?"

The voice of a woman came from outside the door...

"He is not there." Pudding's milk responded with a milky voice.

Nie Lingqi sneaked a little, then knocked on the door and walked in, saw the little girl sitting in the office chair of Su Yu, and sent her head.

"Doudou or pudding?" Nie Lingyi smiled friendly.

"You are the sister of Achilles?"

"Do you know me?" Nie Lingqi seems to be very happy.

"You have a lot of dramas recently, and the media said that you are now a sister of the Stars." Pudding calmly said.

"Don't listen to the media, I am not so powerful... Have you told me that you are a pudding or a beanie?"

"Guess?" The pudding suddenly pranked.

To be honest, this is one of the many women who like Su Yu, she is the least objectionable, because I feel that this aunt is not so fake.

"Guess what is the reward?" Nie Lingyi played with his heart and continued to joke with the pudding.

"If you guessed it, let you accompany me and Su Shuai for lunch, how about?" Pudding seems to know her mind very well.

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