My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3050: You don't understand my pain (9)

"Wow... I guess what you think, you are too smart." Nie Ling boasted.

"It's not difficult, most of the aunts of the Star Emperor like Su Shuai... This is no secret. After all... Anyone wants to slap their boss, Su Shuai is young and talented, and has money... It’s normal to be targeted by so many women.”

"Then you must think that I am one of the many women, the same purpose as them." Nie Ling smiled.

"You are much better than them."

"Where is it?"

"You are at least not that hypocritical..."

"Hah, where do you see it, you don't know me."

For the first time, Nie Lingqi discussed such a profound topic with such a small child and suddenly found it very interesting.

"Because you haven't looked for my mommy's troubles."

Nie Lingqi glimpsed a little, then suddenly realized...

"It turned out that those of me... I have been looking for Dr. Huo."

"Well, they think they think that Su Shuai doesn't accept them, just because they like my mommy... It's the reason for my mommy... but I don't want to think that I am not good enough... Women... Sometimes I really like to be smart. biological."

Looking at the child in front of me, the little old man's tone, Nie Lingqi thinks she has turned over.

"Do you want to eat a cake? I just had a fan to visit the class... I sent a delicious matcha cake..."

"Eating a cake will be fat, you are a female star, how can you not pay attention to your body?" Pudding said blame.

"Haha, I know, you are a pudding." Nie Lingxiao smiled like a flower.


"You are a pudding, right?"

"How did you guess it?" The pudding wondered.

"Because I heard that Bean Ding especially likes to eat cakes, you don't like it, you must be a pudding." Nie Lingyi is somewhat proud.

"Do you know this? These private things, where did you hear it?"

"Xisi told me."

"Well, Aunt Sissi has sold me inadvertently...." Pudding looked helpless.

At this time, the office door was pushed open.

Su Yu walked in, "Pudding, hungry, what are we going to eat for a while?"

"Su Shuai, can I invite this aunt to have lunch with us?" The pudding is also a must.

"Amount... What?" Su Yu glanced at it and found out that Nie Lingqi did not know when it was in the office.

Pudding was too lazy to take charge of Su Yu and asked Nie Lingwei directly. "Nie Auntie, what do you want to eat?"

"I... whatever, anything."

"You have to say whatever you want, then I can order what I like to eat..." Pudding said.

"no problem."

"Su Shuai, I want to eat seafood." Pudding is also welcome.

"Well, you want to eat anything good, little ancestors, let's go."

Su Yu’s pet came over and picked up the pudding with one hand and then left.

Looking at Su Yu's pudding, it is like being like his own child. Nie Lingqi suddenly envied the pudding.

You can get such a favor from Su Yu...

I thought that only three of them.

As a result, when I was eating, Su Yu didn’t wait for a while, and Tang Chuan and Qin Ning also came.

Pudding saw Qin Ning especially close, sitting directly in Qin Ning's arms.

"When is the little aunt, when will the second grandfather arrive?"

"Come on, are you going to have a quick operation?"

"Well, it’s about tomorrow." Pudding nodded.

"That's good, I hope everything goes well." Qin Ning sighed.

"Little aunt, then this time the second grandfather came back, after the squatting, you still can't go back to the United States?" Pudding asked this sentence, Tang Chuan immediately looked at Qin Ning nervously.

This is also the question he always wanted to ask but did not dare to ask. Qin Ning seems to have come back for a long time. This time, when her father came back, did he want to go back?

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