My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3053: She is not as strong as you think (2)

"Okay, ma'am."

Tang Chuan accompanied Qin Ning to the hospital and sent her back to the residence.

I drove to the company again.

After Qin Ning went back, it was also a little tired. After taking a shower, I just planned to go to sleep.

I heard someone pressing the order...

She was wearing a nightgown, walking down her hair and opening the door, a slight glimpse.

"let's talk."

When Mrs. Tang entered the door, she said that she would talk to Qin Ning directly, which made her look awkward.

"Amount... Are you looking for me?"

"Of course there is something."


"How long have you moved here?" Mrs. Tang looked at Qin Ning and asked.

"It’s less than half a month, like this." Qin Ning thought for a moment.

"Is the current ladies all so open?"

"What do you mean?" Qin Ning accepted American education, so the harsh words of Mrs. Tang sometimes could not be reacted at once.

"Miss Qin, you are also a famous person. If you have good family conditions, how can you do such a thing?"

"What happened to me, me?" Qin Ning looked at the question mark.

"You and my son just established a relationship of love. They didn't officially get married. They didn't return to our Tang family to see it for the elders. So I rushed to live with him. Do you feel good? I know that you grew up. Growing up in the United States, my mother died when I was very young, so no one taught you this."

"Wait... Auntie, don't confuse it. My mommy has been dead for a long time. Don't show it out. Besides, I grew up in the US, I won't open it, and no one taught me when my mommy died. What is the relationship? Is it better to say that I am not educated?"

"I didn't say that... you have to think so, I can't help."

"So, aunt, you are here today, looking for you, right?" Qin Ning looked at Tang Chuan's mother.

"Looking for it? No, I don't have much time to find you."

"Then you still talk about the point, I have to take a nap." Looked at the time on the phone, Qin Ning said.

"You little girl is really rude, I don't understand, how can my son see you..."

Mrs. Tang has always been very strong, so few people dare to talk to her like this.

Those who want to marry into the Tang family, every time they see Mrs. Tang are polite, and even most of them are flattering.

Where did you see Qin Ning, and the words went straight, and Mrs. Tang’s heart was inevitably angry.

"That may be the unique taste of your son, just like me is rude." Qin Ning said.


"Mrs., anger... We are talking about business." The housekeeper followed the good reminder behind Mrs. Tang.

Mrs. Tang was forced to anger, and the LV handbag in her hand was placed on the coffee table.

Then he sat on the sofa and glanced at Qin Ning. "Give me a glass of water, a little thirsty."

"Sorry, I never drink tea, there is a cold beer in the fridge, are you going to have a can?"

"What? Cold beer?" Mrs. Tang was incredible.

"Yeah, I and Tang Xiaochuan both like to eat snacks and drink beer, so only a lot of beer is prepared at home. If you want to drink tea, you have to go out to the main entrance of the community. Turn left and have a tea house."

"My son's villa, why are you like a mistress, it's weird."

"That is because your son asked me to come in. If I don't come, he will cry." Qin Ning deliberately said.

After hearing these words, Mrs. Tang’s face is ugly and can’t be seen any more...

The housekeeper almost cried... I know that my wife’s anger is going to be awkward, but the girlfriend the young master is looking for is too hot, right?

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