My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3054: She is not as strong as you think (3)

"Qin Ning, you don't think that my son likes you, you can do whatever you want."

"Sorry, my aunt, I have never done what I want. You don't want to buckle me a hat. I don't want to give this pot."

"Madam...what do we say about it?" The housekeeper reminded Mrs. Tang to focus on her.

Mrs. Tang only felt that there was a suffocation in her chest and she could not come up.

It’s really a decade of Tang’s family, and today it’s awesome.

"Forget it, I am too lazy to care about these trivial things with you... I ask you, how many months have you been pregnant?"

"Brush..." Qin Ning suddenly forced.

"What did she say?" Madame Tang, it seems that she did not hear clearly.

"She seems to be surprised, madam." The housekeeper explained behind her.

"You don't need to be surprised, the paper can't hold the fire. What I want to check in this city is still very easy... Although I really don't like this little girl, I don't think it is the prospective wife of my Tang family. However, since there are children, then don’t make a self-proclaimed fight. If it’s a boy’s words, it’s a pity. It’s also my grandson... Ogawa’s age is not small. If there is a son, my father and I will be very happy. ......You don't worry about abortion, wait four months, do a color ultrasound to see men and women, if it is a boy, it will be born... Our Tang family will treat you badly."

After listening to Mrs. Tang’s words, Qin Ning’s surprised mouth wide could even swallow an egg.

"Without that expression, I can count and count. If you can really give us a Tang Jiasheng boy, I will definitely not treat you badly."

"Auntie, you are really funny."

Mrs. Tang:...

"Are you watching the eight-point dog blood TV series? Or is it a small story of your own YY's dog blood can't be **** again?"?

Mrs. Tang:...

"Miss Qin, our wife is really coming to talk to you... Although the lady does not like you, but if you have a young master in your stomach... our lady can still ignore the suspicion."

"What pregnancy? Who told you, I am pregnant?" Qin Ning is about to collapse.

"Don't you go to the hospital to see gynecology with Ogawa, don't you want to have abortion?"

Mrs. Tang remembered her friend and saw Tang Chuan and Qin Ning in the hospital.

"I am dropping mom, you spare me... Is it abortion to go to the hospital?"

"But you go to see gynecology..." The housekeeper also said.

"I am a big aunt, my stomach hurts, do you know?"

After listening, Mrs. Tang and the housekeeper were both dumbfounded.

"Auntie, please come back to me next time to do your homework. You are so scary, I am also very aggressive...say, you should ask your son, have you touched me? Are you pregnant? Is it?" Did you conceive with nature? You thought your grandson was Sun Wukong... I took it out of the stone."

Mrs. Tang:...

"If you deliberately came here because of this, then go back early, it's hot outside... I will call me directly next time, ha, yes, if I am pregnant, I will tell you the first time. After all, the abortion is not enough. After all, we have money in the Qin family, and we can afford it. My dad is still ignoring that no one has inherited, so even if you are pregnant, you will be a boy or a girl, and you will not bother with your aunt, ha."

After Qin Ning’s meal, Mrs. Tang was jealous and angry.

"It's almost time, my nap... The doctor said that I have to make sure that I have enough sleep, I won't send you, please."

After that, Qin Ning turned to the floor...

Mrs. Tang’s anger has been said nothing.

"Madam, I just recorded her words. Do we want to show the young master the true face of this woman?" The housekeeper whispered behind her.

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