My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3056: She is not as strong as you think (5)

"Mom, if you are like this, then I have to..."

Having said that, Tang Chuan deliberately paused.

"How are you?" Mrs. Tang looked curiously at the second half of her son’s unfinished sentence.

"I had to go to the United States with Qin Ning, when the Qin family's door-to-door daughter-in-law."


"Ha ha ha, anyway, Qin family has more money than our family, my wife has a value, and is cute... The most important thing is that you are old and me and these are."

"You are not a filial son... I killed you, how did I give birth to your defeated family... You look at the three-bedroom and four-bedroom, your cousins, which one is like you?"

"Yeah, they are all a group of puppets, what parents say, a group of babies who have not grown up, I am the first weaning of our Tang family."

Mrs. Tang:...

"Young master, you are mad at the lady... she is not in good health now." The housekeeper quickly advised.

"Mom, you are in poor health, go home and rest, I haven't eaten yet, starve to death... I am going out to export rice, ha."

After saying that, dare not say what the mother said, Tang Chuan grabbed the mother's neck and kissed her face directly.

I also deliberately made a noise and then ran away quickly.

Mrs. Tang is really angry and hate...

"You give me back..."

"Madam, I see the young master's temper, let's go home first."

Mrs. Tang made a day, and she did not get anything. After being suffocated by Qin Ning, she was mad at her son.

Group Sichuan Restaurant

Tang Chuan alone ordered two side dishes, a bottle of beer.

Then immediately sent a video to Qin Ning...

"What?" Qin Ning lay in bed, picking up the video in a confused way.

"Ningning, come to eat, the company downstairs Sichuan restaurant, I invite you to boil the fish."

"Don't go."

"Come on... I miss you."

"Don't go, I feel bad."

"Is it because of my mother? Is she going to bother you?" Tang Chuanle.

"You are still very embarrassed to say ... your mother is really ... good ah ...." Qin Ning is unable to spit.

"Haha, my mom is like this, this time you know that I am rushing to give you a door-to-door niece? Because your dad is compared with my parents, it is a very good character."

"I am coming to the ground... I can't think of the old man." Qin Ning suddenly became warm.

"Well, this time my father-in-law came, I want to do the friendship of the landlord... I will entertain him."

"Don't whisper..."

"No, I said really... and I woke up with a big scorpion. Let's celebrate, since everyone is so happy, why don't we have a round room?"


"Ha ha ha... I know you will marry me..."

"What are you happy with, there is no clue to the whereabouts of my nephew, and my brother will not be happy when he wakes up..."

"It's okay, I believe that the scorpion is a natural person, she and her children will be fine." Tang Chuan comforted.

"I hope so."

Middle Eastern countries, cold storage

Lu Yan heard the footsteps outside, and immediately opened his eyes with vigilance.

Joe has gone for a while...

After her wounds were stitched, she was much more spirited than before.

Although the temperature inside the cold storage is low, it can keep her brain awake and not coma.

"Adult, Luyan is now inside, are we going to rush in?"

The people under him carefully asked Ian.

Ian is wearing a black cloak with a hat...

The two eyes are covered with thick black eyeliner, which looks very demonized.

His mouth, with a weird smile... people look horrible.

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