My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3057: She is not as strong as you think (six)

"Don't worry... the smoke is not so good." Ian smiled evilly.

When Lu smoke heard so many footsteps, he knew that it was definitely not Joe and the reinforcements.

But after waiting for a long time, I didn’t see anyone coming in, but it was really quite stuffy...

Just after the operation, Luyan’s body is still weak.

She leaned her body against a concrete pillar in the cold storage.

Ian just quietly looked at the dilapidated cold storage, but did not hurry in...

"Adult, if you are worried about fraud, we can set fire to the woman with thick smoke." One man proposed.

Ian slaps after listening to the hand... The man who is playing looks at Venus.

"I have been with me for so long, but I still can't shut up."

"Sorry, adults, they are wrong."

Ian's mood is erratic, all his men know, and his mind is hard to guess. Does anyone know what he likes?

a man like a madman...

Finally, Ian lifted his foot near the door of the cold storage and seemed to go inside.

"Adults...." The people under him seem to want to block, but they dare not say more.

Ian brought a dozen people together...

When he walked to the door of the cold storage, he only followed four people.

They also understand that the owner wants to talk about the truth.

At the door of the cold storage, the people under the head took the lead in opening the door for Ian and did not lock it.

When Ian walked in, I felt a cold air rushing in front of me.

The area of ​​the cold storage is not very large, and it can be seen at a glance.

So, he saw, curled up in the corner, leaning against the pillars, looking very tired of the land smoke.

"Disgusting, it really is you." Lu Yan looked at Ian with a very standard English disgust.

"Haha, disgusting, is this my new name? I like it very much."

Lu Yan’s stunned Ian’s eyes...

"Baby, you seem to be hurting very much..." Ian said.

"It doesn't work, I can't die, my life, I don't dare to accept it."

"Who is the king? Who is the king?" Ian, who does not understand Chinese culture, is somewhat aggressive.

"It is your ancestors." Lu Yan said with no anger.

"No, my ancestors don't call this name... Baby, your sweetheart, why are you leaving you running away? It seems to be a negative heart... I said, you might as well follow me, I love you so much. ......" Ian looked at Lu Yan's eyes with a strong interest.

In recent years, the amount of manpower, material resources and financial resources used in the pursuit of the land-sweeping smoke has been amazing.

In addition to catching tobacco can threaten professors, Ian is also selfish.

That is the baby of this oriental face, with a very strong interest...

From the beginning of Luyan’s teens... he has been thinking about it. It can be said that in recent years, she has been watching her grow up.

The game of cat and mouse is just a few years of play, and Ian is not the same.

He has never been so interested in a woman... Yes, this is why he has been unable to bear the pain of the smoke.

"Let him fart... I use you to love? You like this, do you know what love is? Just he will hold a vampire, play some disgusting things... Do you have any teeth? Are you not?" Luyan’s poisonous tongue is even worse than Huojing.

So arrogant to talk to Ian, Lu smoke is the first person in history.

Ian’s men’s hands, I heard all the faces changed...

"Adult, I will help you to teach this rude woman."

Said, Ian's men, bare-handed, went to the land smoke, want to smash the land smoke and violently.

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