My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3064: At that moment, I thought I was dead (3)

When Luyan wakes up again, it is already on a private plane, above tens of thousands of meters.

Here is the ocean of Wang Yang...

"Give me a glass of water." Lu smoke woke up weakly.

"Are you awake?" Joe was busy with a cup of water and came over on a large leather bed.

"Where are we now?"

"On the way to M, I have asked your doctor to help you re-treat the wound, and you can recover from it."

Lu Yan opened his eyes and looked at the plane. In addition to Joe Fei, there were four other cronies, and there was also a team of doctors, an Israeli white man.

"Well." Lu Yan nodded, relieved, leaning behind the bed.

Joe did not carefully pick up the pillow and put it behind her back.

"We have received news that Ian arrived in the cold storage ten minutes ago... but I don't know why I haven't been doing it to you... Fortunately, we still have time to go when we go. I am really worried that you will be troubled when he is taken away. ”

"That is because he is jealous..." Lu Yan smiled.

Qiao Fei: ...

The whole world will also say that Ian is embarrassed, and Ian is a murderous terrorist. How could it be embarrassing?

So Qiao Fei thinks that this is definitely what means is used by Luyan?

"Boss, are you playing bombs again?" A female man smiled and interrupted.

"Yeah, I used a bomb to draw a circle for myself, and I am close to death..." Lu Yan said.

"What about Ian? What is he afraid of? What did you say to him?" Joe was very curious. What did Luyan use to make Ian dare not dare to do it for ten minutes.

This is not like his style...

"I told him, don't act rashly... be careful not to pay for it."

"Just like this?" Joe was a glimpse.

"Well, the more vague I said, the less he felt in his heart. Ian was a very cautious person... I said so, and I was very confident. He thought that I had a miniature bomb on my body, and the power was like a bomb. The same as the Indonesian branch, then he was an anesthetic needle, and we all died."

"You have a miniature bomb on your body?" Joe was surprised.

I have been with Luyan for so long, I didn’t see her say.

How dangerous is that little thing, anytime, anywhere, can blow up a few squares...

"Not at all." Lu Yan is strong and strong.

Qiao Fei: ...

"So you deliberately scared Ian?" Joe asked.

"Well, I am trying to delay the time, waiting for you."

"Cushing trough... Boss, or are you so embarrassed... This is what you all do out... What if you are dismantled?" A man’s hand was scared and swearing.

"Being dismantled? How is it possible? My acting is Oscar-level..." Lu Yan proudly laughed.

"But Ian is not someone else, boss, you are really awkward."

"Because the other person is Ian, I dare to talk nonsense... If you are someone else, don't believe me."

Qiao Fei: ...

All the people: ...

"Some of you give me over." Lu Yan swayed his hand and waved his hand.

Four men, three men and one woman, walked over in a regular manner and stood in a row.

"What happened to the things I asked you to check?"

"There is no news about Missy."

"There is no news, how is it possible? How many days have it been... Does Huo Siqian have no appearance?"

"No, no contact with Germany, our people closely monitored Nalo, and did not find that Horshim appeared, the same is true in the United States."

"That's weird. Is it true that the two big living people are really missing?" Lu Yan was in a bad mood.

"Boss, but there is new news in the country."

"What news?" Lu Yan looked up.

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