My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3065: At that moment, I thought I was dead (4)

"Your father has begun to prepare for surgery for Mr. Qin."

Land smoke: ...

"I still use this for you? Isn't the old man returning to China for this?" Lu Yan is also angry and wants to swear.

The four men watched the boss's delivery, and they all turned down and didn't dare to scream again...

"With me for so long, I still have no brains... I really want to mad at me." Lu Yan turned his head.

"Joe Shao..." The subordinates saw the boss angry, whispering Joe Fei to let him clear.

Joe is also sensible, and comes straight from the side to a bowl of blunt.

"Cough, small smoke, have you just said that you are hungry?"

"Not hungry, they are full of gas." Lu smokes.

"Oh, blunt, are you sure not to eat?"

"Hey blunt? Where did you come?" Lu Yan immediately turned his head and looked at Joe's hand with a bowl of fragrant little blunt.

"You take a bite and see how it tastes?"

Said, Joe Fei picked up and fed a cigarette with a small spoon.

Although Luyan has been wandering abroad, his favorite is actually Chinese food.

I don’t dare to Sichuan cuisine or Cantonese cuisine... all kinds of snacks are very keen.

Joe is with her for so long, she knows her personality very well.

"how about it?"

After seeing Lu Yan ate one, Joe was not tempted to ask.

"Joe metamorphosis, where is this thing coming from?"

"Do you say good first?"

"It’s delicious to explode..." Lu Yan said, he was so impatient to grab a small bowl from Qiao Fei, and then ate it.

"You, be careful, burn slowly, no one will grab you." Joe is awkward.

At the same time, he quietly swayed his hand against the smoke of the land smoke... let them quietly retreat.

A few of his men immediately took the lead and turned and left the inner cabin.

"Hey, you said... It’s really a thing to drop a thing... I used to think that the boss’s stinky temper, no one can hold it... I didn’t expect Joe Shao to look cold and clear. Language, but it is the boss's nemesis."

"Isn't that? Joe Shao is very fond of the boss... This time it is also for the boss to betray the family, and now there are not many men."

"Well, if I am the boss, I have already promised Joe's proposal."

"Forget it, let's not keep a few of them... don't let the boss hear it, then you're dead."

Several men ran to the outer cabin to sit and rest...

Joe is taking care of the land smoke inside.

After a bowl of blunt blunt, the land was wiped with a full mouth.

"Joe metamorphosis, you haven't told me, where is this thing coming from? Is Zaire bought in Chinatown in the Middle East?"

Lu Yan said that he regretted it, because eating the taste is not like freezing.

"If I say the package, it seems that you will not believe it."

"Hey... what are you talking about? Are you packing?" Lu smoke almost vomited blood.


"How come you?"


“What about face and minced meat?”

"Chinese street supermarket bought."

"The trough...they gave it..." Lu Yan thoroughly expressed his obedience to Joe.

"You don't have to worry about it. If you are hurt, you can consider serving a bed..." Joe said that he was serious.

"Serve you a big ghost... Don't think about these things one day... I have time to help me check my sister's whereabouts... I am really anxious to die."

Lu Yan leaned on Joe's shoulder and he was still injured, while still worrying about the whereabouts of Huo Mian.

Domestic, C city hospital

In the corridor of the military hospital, the station is full of people, and almost everyone has expired...

Before the professor walked in the white coat, he only said to everyone, "Let's wait for my news."

Then he followed Qin Chu into the operating room.

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