My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3068: At that moment, I thought I was dead (seven)

"Pudding, Bean Ding, you come over, my grandfather has something to say."

The professor was sitting formally on the sofa in the ward and waved his hand.

Called the twins in the past.

"Well, you said, grandfather." Pudding's well-behaved opening.

"Now your squatting condition is stable and you will wake up soon, so..."

Speaking of this, the professor paused.

Then I looked at the two children, and the clear watery eyes turned out to be somewhat unbearable.

"Grandfather, so what?" Douding this little temper is waiting for some impatient.

"So, my grandfather is leaving."

"No." Just after the professor finished, Douding immediately said no.

"Grandfather... Where are you going?" The pudding is a bit more rational than the younger sister.

"Go back to the public place..."

"No, grandfather, I won't let you go, I will cry when you leave." Douding scares professor.

The professor couldn't bear to put the diced pudding and the pudding in his arms, and kissed him for the forehead.

"Can you help me to leave? Can you stay? Is it not good to stay? If you wake up, you will go to Mummy... When we are together, we have a small sister, and we will pick up Xiaoyan, our home Nanshan. The house in the old castle is very big and can live under it," Pudding said.

"It's not a house problem, things are complicated, my grandfather can't explain so much to you, but it doesn't mean that my grandfather doesn't love you."

"You have to go, just don't love us... I don't want my grandfather to go... I want my grandfather to give me a good meal..."

Douding said, tears, oh, it will fall...

The professor I saw was very sad...

"Don't lick, don't cry, okay?"

"Not good, my grandfather will cry when I leave."

"The grandfather can't leave, there is still unfinished work there." The professor tried to convince the granddaughter.

"The grandfather is really going to take it, just bring the bean diced, and the pea Ding will go with the grandfather." Douding the heart of the professor sitting in the arms of the professor.

"This..." The professor was awkward at once.

Such a large age, really did not bring the children, Lu Yan was a self-destructive state when he was a child.

At that time, he was busy with scientific research, while hiding from the ill-conceived organizations, but also secretly investigating his wife Lin Ya.

And Huo Mian is simpler, directly holding the wrong, growing up in the arms of others...

So in the face of the pleading of the two children, the professor did not know what to do.

"Grandfather, I and Douding really like you. These days, when you are not at home, you are taking care of me and my sister... We really don't want to lose you."

"Not a loss, my grandfather is not coming back. When the grandfather is busy with the last thing in his hand, come see you, okay?"

"Well, you don't paint less for us, we don't believe in your plan to slow down." Douding said.

"But my grandfather really can't continue to stay. In other words... if the grandfather continues to stay, not only are you in danger, you are stunned, friends around you, even... everyone in this city will be in danger. The professor tried to explain the nature of his work.

"Don't you... Is your grandfather an alien?" Douding asked seriously.



"Don't your planet person come to pick you up, you don't go back, will they destroy the earth?" Douding continued to ask.

The professor of the school laughs and laughs...

"Grandpa, you really don't wait for Mommy to come back? Don't you want to see her? She should really want to see you?" The pudding decided to change the routine, not the same as the stalking of Douding.

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