My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3069: At that moment, I thought I was dead (eight)

"See your mommy's chances... There are still many, now it's really not the best time, I believe that my staying will bring you trouble."

"But we are not afraid of trouble." Douding arbitrarily grin.

Looking at the embarrassing color on his grandfather's face, Pudding had almost the answer.

What the grandfather told them about these days, it is obvious to all. If it is not forced by circumstances, she believes that her grandfather will not leave so heartily.

"Grandpa, will you come to see us?" asked Pudding.

"Of course, you are the grandfather's baby."

Professor, holding one in one hand and putting it on the thigh, I really can't bear this pair of live treasures.

With them, the number of laughs is more than the sum of the previous life.

Especially the older generation... For the daughter of the daughter, it feels much more profound than the original daughter.

Otherwise, there will not be so many grandparents, grandparents, grandchildren, addicted to their grandchildren.

"That... Grandpa, let's go, I know you have a hard time."

In the end, the pudding decided that he could no longer entangle his grandfather. Although he did not say what his grandfather did?

But when I look at mysterious mysterious comers, mysterious walks, even Su Shuai quietly investigates nothing, and my grandfather may really be special in nature.

"Sister... you are confused? How can you let your grandfather go?" Douding looked at the pudding with some surprise.

"We are undoubtedly hurting the grandfather. If you can, he certainly does not want to go. This time, if the grandfather is not because of the disease, he will not come back." Pudding said.

"The pudding said that it is all right." The professor gave a thumbs up and praised the granddaughter who said this in his heart.

"Xiao Xiao told me that she has not seen her grandfather several times a my grandfather is not lying, it must be that work is really busy," Pudding said.

Douding heard this, Nunu mouth, some guilty bowed his head.

"Yeah, I said that I am also awkward about you. I haven’t taken care of her since I was a child, and she has become wild." The professor sighed slightly.

"So the grandfather can perform surgery on the ground and can take care of us for several days. We are already very happy. What else can we expect?" The pudding spreads.

"Sister seems to have a little truth." Douding finally has some reopening.

But listening to the pudding explaining this to himself, the professor is a bit sad.

A child can understand him, but he does not understand himself.

Was it so crazy for scientific research? In pursuit of higher goals, it is simply crazy.

In these years, in order to pursue these hobbies at hand, I have been studying it.

Lin Ya looks like that... My daughter, Xiaomian, has to be raised by others.

Luyan was the most pitiful, and followed her to run around... After Lin Ya’s accident, he used to hide in Hong Kong for a while.

Later, when he went abroad, Lu Yan handed over to the trusteeship in Hong Kong, but the little girl was also wild, and no one could control it. Later, he simply mixed himself outside.

Constantly running away, being chased, repeatedly...

In the battle, Lu Yan practiced a good skill, but as the age increased, it was not as sticky as the professor.

Including the later Kaxi West Military Academy, graduated smoothly, and then organized their own mercenary group, these professors are unaware of it.

Until then, the FBI people told him that his daughter is already a leader in the mercenary world.

The international number one wanted, at that time, he realized that Xiaoyan had grown up unconsciously and embarked on a strong road.

"Grandpa, don't you cry... I don't want to stay with you..." Douding saw her grandfather's eyes wet and hurryed.

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