My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3070: At that moment, I thought I was dead (9)

"No, my grandfather is fine, just suddenly... I thought of some previous things."

The professor pulled back his thoughts and said to the gentle granddaughter.

"Grandfather, is your ticket fixed? Can someone send you back? I will let Su Shuai arrange it. Uncle Xiao An will protect you from going to the airport." Pudding said.

"No, the grandfather has already arranged it. There will be people there, and both of you can rest assured."

"Well." Pudding nodded.

"When you are screaming, you will wake up soon. You two are weird and obedient, waiting for Mommy to come back."

"Good." Douding also nodded neatly.

At this time, the professor’s watch sent a low-pitched reminder...

"Professor, you should go to the airport..."

"okay, I get it."

Later, the professor got up.

"Grandfather... would you miss us?" Douding still has some disappointment.

In the end, it is a child, and who lives with them for a few days will have a dependency.

"of course."

"Then you have to remember to call me, send a video, I can easily pick up... I know the phone number?" Douding said.

"Know, you and the pudding call, my grandfather remembers... if you have time, I will play for you."

Having said that, the professor knows that once he goes back, it is very difficult to make a phone call. The contact with Luyan will not exceed 50 seconds each time.

After all, his whereabouts are too important, how many people are looking for him, he does not know.

The FBI will also monitor his movements all the time, and will not let him gossip and call the phone.

However, there is no need for him to tell the children that the children are already disappointed.

If you know, he won't call, will it be sad to die?

"That... my grandfather is gone." The professor turned and walked slowly.

"Grandpa, goodbye... I will miss you." When Douding said this, the voice trembled and she heard it crying.

"Grandfather, all the way to peace." Pudding forced the emotions in his heart, pretending to be calm.

"Well." The professor nodded and went out in a heavy mood.

When he walked to the door of the ward and opened the door, he quietly dropped a tear, just falling on the hand of the old man.

Then he opened the door and did not return.

The professor is very decisive and does not need anyone to send.

Su Yu and Rick stood at the door of the hospital and watched the black car of the professor slowly leave.

"Rely, it is a mysterious old man... I will know his identity sooner or later," Su Yu said.

Rick did not say a word, but his eyes were a bit complicated.

Lu Yan, professor, such a person, are people with extremely complicated backgrounds, not by him and Su Yu.

Even Qin Chu will not easily get involved in their circle.

They haven't come to sleep for years, and the reason is that Rick is clear.

It’s not a joke that people who have grievances with the number one terrorist organization in the world.

After the professor left, the Qin family went to the ward to visit Qin Chu.

Mrs. Qin took the hands of two granddaughters.

Qin Ning and his father and Tang Chuan also stood on one side.

"Da Bo, since you are back, let the children continue to live at home, I see my brother is waking up." Qin Ning said.

"Well." Qin Chu dad nodded.

"The hospital here, I am taking care of my brother, you are not good at all, go back to rest, Dad, you will go back, long-haul planes must be very tired." Qin Ning looked back at his father.

"Ningning, you come out, you have something to say to you."

Qin Chu’s uncle hooked his hand and called Qin Ning alone.

Looking at the mysterious secrets of the father and the daughter, Tang Chuan's face changed slightly, and there was no bottom in my heart.

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