My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3071: At that moment, I thought I was dead (10)

"Hey, what do you want to be mysterious? You can't say it in the house, they are not outsiders."

"You and the Tang family kid... How about?" Qin Ning asked with a cold face.

"Not bad……."

"This time, your brother has an accident, you uncle, they went to the resort... I heard that you moved to the villa of the kid?"

"Ah, yes." Qin Ning nodded arrogantly.

"Cough... then do you have..."

"What is there?" Qin Ning is somewhat aggressive.

"There is no such thing..." As a father, I am really embarrassed to ask my daughter, but Qin Ning Dad feels that he will worry if he does not ask.

"Which?" Qin Ning went to the place to think about it, so it was strange to see his father support the branch.

"Is that kid who is cheaper for you...?"

Qin Ning: ...

"Hey, we are in love... Why do you want to use the words cheap?" Qin Ning is speechless.

Inconsistently speaking, Qin Ning added, "Hello, you have been in the United States for so many years... Can you not think about it?"

Although there is no substantive relationship with Tang Chuan, Qin Ning still thinks about it and comforts his father.

"I don't have to control what you mean. I am afraid of you... silly, simple mind, abandoned by the kid. After all, the kid had a history before, and the reputation is not so good... if it is together Unmarried, he is abandoning you..."

"I won't let this happen, ha." Qin Ning laughed.

"You still laugh, you give me something serious."

"I am very serious, sly, you are saying that it is good for me, I know, but I am not stupid and sweet... I will not know how to protect myself."

"Then, did you go back to the United States with me this time?" Sure enough, my father asked.

"This thing... not sure, stunned, now my brother is still not awake, the scorpion has not found it back, the two children are very poor... I am very concerned."

"Oh, don't let me go, even if there is no such thing as Achu, you are actually not willing to go. I think you are ironic and this kid is in the country."

"Not at all, I don't want to go back to the United States, you can rest assured, ha." Qin Ning took his father's arm and spoiled.

The Qin family stayed in the hospital for a day. When it was dark, Qin Chu’s parents took the two children back to Nanshan Castle.

Originally, Qin Ning had to stay to take care of Qin Chu, but Rick said that she would stay and she would not accept it.

So Tang Chuan took Qin Ning and went back first. Rick sent Xixi back home and reunited with his family.

Then, I went back to the hospital.

Qin Chu still has no signs of waking up, but Rick believes that the professor's medical skills are certainly no problem.

Above the private jet

Luyan’s watch drips.

"Hello, old man." Lu Yan picked up the phone half-awake.

"The domestic affairs are finished, Qin Chu will wake up soon, I have already left."

"Wow, old man, you are really reliable..."

"How are you, is there any movement on Ian?" asked the professor.

"Ian...he may be a little sad, it is estimated that it will take a few days..." I thought that Ian was brushed by myself, and Luyan was inexplicably happy.

"Then don't take it lightly and protect yourself."

"Know, old man."

"Is there any news about your sister?" asked the professor.

Hearing here, Luyan’s eyes are slightly dark.

"Not yet... I don't know where Huo Siqian's dead metamorphosis has hidden my sister... There isn't even a ghost." Lu Yan bit his lip.

"You still continue to look for it. I will go back and ask the FBI people to check it out... There is news to inform each other."

"it is good."

"Then I hang up..."

"Hey, don't, daddy, I have something to ask you." The professor just wanted to hang up the phone, and Luyan said with enthusiasm.

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