My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3079: The world is looking for Hum sleep (eight)

"You don't know." Qin Chu responded directly.

"Rely, of course, I don't know, or can I ask? Who, listen to the name is a woman, hehe... wouldn't it be the little three you know in the United States?"

Qin Chu: ...

"Yes, I am joking. Don't look at me with the kind of eyes that you want to eat, okay?" Gao Renxin.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's not as simple as you think. It's a complicated matter. I will tell you later."

"Well, the most handsome and proud in history, the inner strength is strong, the heroic and powerful Qin Chu adults... Congratulations on your physical recovery... The blood is resurrected, let's fight, and the big perversion with Huo Siqian, I die, I swear, When I saw him, I took off my police uniform first, and violently ridiculed him to solve the problem. What is his...not a thing." Gao Ran gnawed his teeth.

For such a fierce reaction to Gao Ran, Qin Chu is calm.

Including this time, he was not particularly over-excited in the attitude of waking up in the hospital.

This coma for so long, he thought he might die, he would leave the world...

Then he woke up, and in the midst of it, he knew that he still had nothing to do, and Xiaomian waited for him to save.

Coupled with the strange character of Qin Chu, his reaction is surprisingly calm, so that everyone is a little scared, even afraid that he can't think of it.

"Okay, high game, I will rely on you when I arrive..." Qin Chu smiled slightly.

"No problem, our brothers have been for so many years, your business is my business... Your aunt is my aunt, your child is my child, your wife is me..."

Looking at the eyes of Qin Chu that want to kill people...

Gao Ran did not dare to make a joke, and quickly changed his mouth and said, "Cough, your wife is the same person as my sister, ha."

"This is almost the same." Qin Chu white gave him a look.

The things that Qin Chu woke up were quickly spread, and everyone came to visit.

In addition to the two iron buddies Rick and Gao Ran, Su Yu also came.

When Su Yu came, it was just at noon, everyone went out to eat, and there was only Qin Chu in the ward.

He had just finished eating the porridge cooked by his mother and was preparing to drink water, but found that there was no water in the cup.

Then Qin Chu put the empty water cup down...

Su Yu walked in directly, picked up the water cup, went to the side, filled it with a kettle, and then handed it over to Qin Chu.

"Thank you." Qin Chu looked up and saw Su Yu.

"How, how is recovery?"

"Very good, it is estimated that I can get out of bed after waiting for two days..." Qin Chu smiled friendly.

"Well, that's good, pudding doudding must be very happy." Su Yu said.

"The two of them bothered you during this time..."

"Why do you want to use the two words of trouble? The two of them have a lot of fate with me. From birth to the present, I have been watching and growing up. Although I am not a relative, my relationship is definitely not as shallow as my relatives... So I take care of them, that's what I do."

Listening to Su Yu said, Qin Chu seems to have a warmth in his heart...

When Su Yu was a man of righteousness, he never bothered to play the means of yin.

This is also why Qin Chu has always respected Su Yu.

"However, Qin Chu, I really want to slap you a meal..." Su Yu said.

Qin Chu raised his head unexpectedly. I don’t know why Su Yu suddenly said this. Is it because he lost his sleep?

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