My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3080: The world is looking for Hum sleep (9)

"You talk about you, how can you be so embarrassed..."

Qin Chu: ...

"If you are still okay, give me the niece. It is like leaving a last word. Let your idiot assistant send me a message. It’s really tired."

Qin Chu: ...

"At the time, I thought... nine dead for a lifetime."

"How is it possible? You, before being designed by Huo Siqian, there is nothing wrong with it. Isn’t it good to come back? People say that if you don’t die, you will have a blessing... The days of your future happiness are still behind. Well, if you are unlucky, don’t say anything later. If you want to know Huo Mian, you must be violent."

"Well, don't say it."

"Let's live, go find Huo Mian."

"Well, I must find it back.

Su Yu sighed deeply and then got up.

"Oh, the conversation is not so formal, I am not used to it, yes, you have no food, what you want to eat, I will give you some."

"I just eaten, my mother cooked porridge, I can only eat liquid food now."

"Yes, look at my brain, I have forgotten that you are still a patient who has recovered from a serious illness... Cheng, then you have a good time to raise it. I have been trying to check the news of Hung Mian... I will tell you if there is news."

"it is good."

"Then rest, I am leaving."

"Su Yu." Qin Chu said.

"You don't want to tell me anything about thank you. This time, I don't miss you, thank you, I am awkward."

Su Yu knows that although Qin Chu does not say anything on his mouth, he must be very grateful to him.

I have said thank you to him before.

"No, this time I don't say thank you." Qin Chu smiled.

"Well, let's not talk about that... I don't look at you... I am not a friend with you... but... I am a friend with Huo Mian, you are my friend's husband, I am this person, I don’t think it’s difficult for friends.” Su Yu’s explanation is that he’s just a hard mouth, and Qin Chu has seen it.

"Well, I thank you for Xiaomian."

"Look, it's coming again... Humami, the dead girl, won't even thank me, she's too late for her."

Qin Chu smiled after listening...

"We have a poisonous tongue, Dr. Huo, this time, I have to ask her to ask me to have a big meal, and give me a crush! This is how many days I have not slept."

"Well, wait for her to come back, let her invite all of us to eat, eat for seven days in a row." Qin Chu said.

"Haha, this idea is good, but if she asks us to eat this many people and eat it for seven days in a row, will it go bankrupt?" Su Yu laughed.

I think that scene is warm.

"No, my wife... she is very rich." Qin Chu raised his mouth slightly.

"Well, yes, the capitalist of Huoming... can make money, and the annual salary of the deputy dean is a lot. We can't sympathize with her. We must black her for seven days." Su Yu said.

After Su Yu left, the ward was restored to tranquility.

Qin Chu picked up the phone, opened the photo album, and watched the photos of Huo Mian. It could not be calm for a long time.

The pain in the chest came again...

He knows that this kind of person is not physical, it is in the heart, it is he who misses too much, and then produces pain, which leads to this situation.

It seems that this state does come very quickly without taking medicine.

Just like in the past four years in the United States, the chest seemed to squash as the convulsions in the chest.

Let him feel a little suffocating...

"Small have to wait for me, I will find you." Qin Chu licked his chest, his expression was extremely painful.

At the same time, on the desert island

Huo Mian found one thing, Huo Siqian disappeared, yes, he has not seen him all day, and he has not done anything. This is something that has never happened before these days.

Did he leave the island? Huo Mian wondered the guess.

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