My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3081: The world is looking for hibernation (10)

However, her understanding of Huo Siqian should not be.

If Huo Siqian is working outside the island, he will also scream with her, at least give her some ingredients to let her eat.

But now...

All day, Huo Mian went out for a walk around the island every day, and then went to the beach to be alone.

No appetite at noon, she did not go back to eat, she still wondered, how did Huo Siqian not come to her today?

Because as long as she did not go back to eat, Huo Siqian will look for her in Anxious Island.

Even she will bring her to her with her, she is afraid that she is hungry...

The cries of the belly came...

Huo Mian touched and felt that he was somewhat selfish, even if he did not eat, but the baby in his stomach also had to eat.

And he is not a big lady, the index finger does not touch Yang Chunshui.

Simply do it yourself, and where is he going to go to Huo Xiqian? Isn't he better to leave? It’s not boring to be alone.

Thinking of this, Huo Mian got up and went to the kitchen.

I found basic ingredients such as rice, flour, and corn oil.

There is no refrigerator on the island. It is not because of the trouble of using electricity, but that Horshim may want to return to the original life.

Try not to use those advanced appliances as much as possible...

Whether cooking or cooking, you use a large iron pot in the kitchen, which is burnt under the iron pot.

When Horsham gets up every morning, he will go out to find the wood and come back into a firewood, and enjoy it.

The food that he sent from his hand, according to Huo Siqian, was always placed in a cellar behind the wooden house.

Hung Mian, the mantle, knows this. When I was in college, I went out for an internship.

I used to go to a backward mountain village with my teacher and my classmates. In that mountain village, water and power are scarce.

Not to mention the electrical appliances, so in the summer.

In order to prevent vegetables from breaking too fast, every household will save some of their food and use it in the cellar.

It is equivalent to the basement of a villa in the city, but it is definitely not so luxurious.

In fact, it is a pit that is manually dug, and then it is made into a ladder. The temperature in the basement is very low.

Huo Mian also listened to Huo Siqian, saying that the supplies he sent him were in the cellar.

But as for what the cellar looks like, she has never seen it...

Also not interested.

Huo Mian burned the iron pot with some firewood left over yesterday.

Then add water, use the original method, put water and rice in a small pot, and then steam in the iron pot.

As for the vegetables, she found a circle and only found the green pepper eggs left yesterday.

She picked it up and smelled it. She felt that something changed, so she dumped it directly.

For the problem of green vegetables, Huo Mian did not pay attention to it at first, and felt that it would be nice to eat it casually.

But then she suddenly thought of a very serious problem.

I can’t always deal with every meal. If Huo Siqian doesn’t come back one day and doesn’t come back for two days, then what should she live on by eating?

In the end, after I calmed down and thought about it, I decided to go to the cellar to have a look.

Look at how much food you can eat, at least you can't starve to death on this desert island.

She was too lazy to think about the reasons for Horsham’s departure from the island.

Subsequently, Huo Mian opened the door and walked behind the wooden house...

It was the place where Horsham often went, so she was rarely involved and had no interest at all.

When I was close to the cellar, Huo Mian began to be inexplicably flustered...

That feeling is like knowing that something bad is happening in front of you, but it has stopped moving.

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