My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3082: The world is looking for hibernation (11)

When I arrived at the door of the cellar, Huo Mian was a little depressed...

Suddenly, I dare not open the square door that does not look big.

The door is affixed to the ground, holding the handle and lifting it up.

Then climb down the dark ladder...

Speaking of it, even if it is a mantle in the daytime, it is indeed a rather horrible thing.

Especially, in this kind of deserted island.

Taking a deep breath, Huo Mian drummed himself and slammed the door of the cellar.

Then a gloomy cool breeze came over...

Let her unconsciously hit a beggar.

Huo Mian carefully held the flashlight in the room and then climbed down the ladder one by one.

When I got to the ground, I was surprised to find that this cellar was actually... very large.

It is not as small and tidal as the small mountain cellars she saw before.

The accident is dry here, and the wall coverings are made of bluestone. This kind of force can no longer be described by the mantle.

Even more luxurious than the basement of some rich people...

It’s no wonder that Huo Siqian loves to run here when he is fine. It’s cool to be here.

Huo Mian looked at the basement and placed a lot of ingredients and daily necessities.

Up to the full box of whiskey, Lafite, champagne.

As small as toilet paper, laundry detergent, it is everything.

This scale has caught up with a small grocery store...

As for those that are well preserved, ham, canned fish, bottled pickles, there are so many five or six boxes.

Huo Mian has some slight surprises...

It’s no wonder that Huo Siqian changed the pattern all day long. This is a lot of ingredients.

Huo Mian took a flashlight and walked in like this...

When she thought she was at the end, she actually saw a small door.

The walls are bluestone, but the doors are dark red, and even some rust, it looks a little scary.

The door is not locked, Huo Mian is very curious, what will be inside?

She lit it with her flashlight and then slammed the door open.

Found another storage space...

Here, it should be the place that Huo Siqian bought for a long time, because this basement is not a masterpiece that can be completed in a month or two.

Huo Mian thought so, and went inside.

Suddenly, a weak cough came.

Let the scalp of Huo Mian numb...

"Who? Who is there?" Huo Mian followed the sound of the flashlight.

I was surprised to find a corner in this room, and there was a personal shadow curling up there.

"Huo Mian... I know you will come, huh, huh..."

The man slowly stood up...

When the light of the Huo Mian flashlight was on the man's face, she only felt that her hair was blasting.

That feeling is simply creepy...

This person is Huo Siqian, actually she thought that she had left the island of Huo Siqian.

But why is he good at shutting himself up here?

For a moment, there were too many problems in Huo Mian’s mind.

"You...what are you going to be here?" Huo Mian forced him to ask him calmly.

"How come you are here?" he asked.

"I thought you were gone, leaving the island... so come down and find something to eat, there is no food on it." Huo Mian said.

"Oh, it turned out to be..." He nodded, not surprised and surprised.

Seeing that Huo Mian did not speak, Huo Siqian waved his hand and smiled at Huo Mian. "Huo Mian, come over."

"Why?" Huo Mian watched him with a vigilant look, and even subconsciously stepped back two steps.

"My foot is sprained, I can't walk, you come over and help me... okay?" he said with a smile.

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