My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3084: The world is looking for Hum sleep (13)

"Why should he lock you?"

"He is abnormal, so there is nothing to lock himself to play." Jack said lightly.

"No, as far as I know, Huo Siqian is not so reckless... he loves himself..."

"Do you say that you don't believe me?" Jack asked with an eyebrow.

"I just want to say that Huo Siqian is not locking himself, I am afraid... is it you?" Huo Ming said staring at Jack's eyes in a word.

Jack’s eyes seem to have changed slightly...

Huo Mian, really is not a simple woman...

Especially at this moment, it is still very cautious...

"It's funny, he locked me, what is the difference with locking yourself? You don't know the situation of our two."

"It's hard to say, in short, I think... he won't do these things for no reason."

"I don't want to talk about it first, Huomian, there is only me and you on the island... If I have been locked like this, I will starve to death... I am starving, but once I die, you will be in danger. Do you know that you can't live alone on the island?"

"So, what do you want to say?"

"I mean, you let me go...and then I let you go."

"You let me go?" Huo Mian had some doubts and apparently did not believe Jack's words.

"My relationship with Huo Siqian is like this, we share the memory... So what he did to you, I am clear, he has been thinking for so many years, in order to take you out, to anyone Can't find a place, you are here with him, there is no possibility of escape. The situation on the island must be better than me. It is impossible to run, waiting for someone to save you, maybe a hundred years, then say However, it is also possible to live for a year or two, and he will shift his position again. The love that Huo Siqian has for you is an attachment you can't think of."

Huo Mian did not speak, just listening to Jack's analysis.

"But I am different. I am not him... I am Jack, I am an independent personality, I don't like you at all... I am free... You let me go, let's leave here, then we both The grievance between the two is also abolished. If you continue to want revenge, that is your business. The most important thing is to leave the ghost place where the bird does not lay eggs."

Seeing it, Jack is very disgusted with this, contrary to the attitude of Huo Siqian.

Huo Siqian loves it very much, and even thinks about it. He will grow up here with Huo Mian to raise food and drink...

Therefore, Huo Mian is thinking, this may really be a great opportunity to escape this uninhabited island.

At least, if Huo Siqian resumes his personality, he will never let her go.

Seeing that Huo Mian was hesitating, Jack began to lobby more...

"Don't hesitate, chances are rare... He now eats a lot of drugs every day to suppress my appearance. I don't really have a lot of opportunities... If you don't take this opportunity to escape, you really have no chance. Now, understand?" Jack is constantly putting pressure on Huo Mian.

"I understand the truth you said, but I believe what you believe, how do I know that after you open the chain for you, will you be against me?" Huo Mian asked.

"So I said... Since they are all unknown, why don't you gamble?" Jack smiled a little surprised.

And Huo Mian once again fell into a tangled...

If you don't let him go, then he is right. If Huo Siqian wakes up, even if he says that he has broken his mouth, he will not let her go.

Jack really doesn't like her. Just look at the contact several times before, and I know.

So... Do you want to gamble once?

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