My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3085: The world is looking for Hum sleep (fourteen)

City C

Shen Mingxi’s private villa

He came in with a thermos bottle and sweetly rushed over.

"Uncle Shen, are you coming back?"

"Well, is it sweet to eat?"


"Well, isn't the aunt who called the housewife to have dinner for you?"

"Well, she did."

"Then why didn't you eat? Didn't like the dish?" Shen Mingxi asked.

"No." Sweet shook his head.

Waiting for Shen Mingxi to ask, Sweet went on to say, "I just want to wait for Uncle Shen to come back and eat together."

"You... don't tell you, don't wait for your uncle? Uncle is off work late."

"But when my uncle is not at home, I have no appetite."

"Okay, let's eat together now, okay?"

"Good." Sweet smiles like a flower.

"Fang Jie, go and take this hot." Shen Mingxi handed the thermos in his hand.

Fang Jie is a gold nanny recommended by the home economics company. It is very thoughtful to cook and take care of children.

It is very inconvenient for a big man in Shen Mingxi to take sweet alone, and he does not have the time and energy.

So there is an extra nanny at home.

But sweet does not seem to like it very much, as long as Shen Mingxi comes back, she will stick to him.

Even when he sleeps, he watches her sleep. This child seems to have no sense of security.

"Shu Shushu, what is that? Is it delicious?"

"Well, it's delicious."

"What is delicious?"

"It's a bone soup... it's a good drink."

"Wow, Uncle Shen, where did you buy it?" Sweet looked at the thermos in the nanny's hand and asked.

"Not bought, it was sent by a friend." Shen Mingxi said very casually.

"Who sent it?" Sweet seems to be unwilling, just want to ask the bottom.

"Yes...." Shen Mingxi hesitated a little, because he did not know whether to tell the truth, whether it would affect the sweetness.

"Is it sent by Wei Ying Auntie?" Sweetly asked.

"How do you know?" Shen Mingxi looked at the child with some surprise.

"Because, as long as she is most concerned about Uncle Shen, ... has always been to pay attention to you." Sweet said.

After Shen Mingxi listened, he kneel down and said with sweetness and patience. "Sweet, my uncle tells you that giving courteousness is a derogatory term... not suitable for use in such a dialogue."

He thought that the child was too small and probably didn't know the meaning of the vocabulary, so it was not good.

But sweetness seems to look at him calmly and correct, "I know that giving courtesy is a derogatory term and a bad language."

Shen Mingxi is a glimpse...

"But Aunt Wei Ying really has ulterior motives... I have been dedicated to you."

Shen Mingxi: ...

"Shu Shushu, I don't like Wei Ying's aunt... You will not be with her in the future..."

"Sweet, why don't you like her?"

"She is very fierce. She was very rude to me and my mother before, yelling... always bullying us... she is a bad woman."

Before Shen Mingxi suddenly remembered, Wei Ying did a lot of things that hurt Huo's mother and daughter because of his obsession with him.

But that was really a long time ago, and now Wei Ying is no longer the arrogant woman before.

Already reborn...

"Sweet, you listen to Shen Shushu, Aunt Wei Ying, now is not such a person... She has realized her mistake."

"But she won't like me, Uncle Shen..."

"Why do you think she won't like you?" Shen Mingxi felt that the sweet words he said tonight made him too surprised.

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