My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3088: The world is looking for Hum sleep (17)

Now that the scorpion has an accident, that is equal to the half life of her brother...

Qin Chu relied on the window and sighed slightly.

Picking up a cigarette, just to put it in his mouth, he was taken away by Qin Ning.

"No smoking, the doctor said."

"It doesn't matter, just one."

"That won't work." Qin Ning's attitude is determined.

"I am also a doctor myself, I understand the principle." Qin Chu patiently explained.

"That's absolutely not good, brother... you don't want to be like this... I really feel bad about you." Qin Ning shed tears.

"Brother is okay, really okay... I will find Xiaomian, I will."

The voice of Qin Chu is very light. It is a comfort to Qin Ning, but it seems to comfort himself.

"Brother, you think about it, even if the donkey is not at home... You still have two children... When you didn't see you in the hospital, the two children of Pudding and Doudou were pitiful, and they were still uneasy in the Su family. Still making troubles, Douding insisted on going home... The two children are so small, the mother is no longer around, brother, you have to take care of yourself."

"Ningning, you said...I am not very useless?"

"How come this?" Qin Ning gave a slight glimpse.

"I have been with Xiaomian for so long, happiness did not bring her much, but it was the injury that followed. One wave after another... From eight years ago, her father Jingde died in a car accident, and later I was or Huo Siqian designed the frame. She was guilty of murder for me. In the four years since I was missing, she protected a woman, protected her child, raised her baby in the Su family... and raised the child. I found out that I was It’s useless... it’s always dragging her down.”

"Brother, how can you think so? You and the nephew two... are people who love each other."

"But my love seems so fragile... I can't help every time she has trouble."

"Brother, these don't blame you, even if it is Su Yu, there is no way to save the scorpion... Huo Siqian that metamorphosis all day long pondering your family, who can't help but change, this is not your problem."

Qin Ning found that after his brother woke up, there seemed to be subtle changes in his mind.

This state of self-denial is something she has never seen since she was a child.

Because my brother was a very conceited person when he was a child, he was very arrogant and could do everything best.

Almost the pursuit of perfection...

But when he got to Huo Mian, he always protected her. Over time, he began to doubt himself.

This is not a good phenomenon...

"Brother, you have to adjust your mentality well, we can't admit defeat... I am waiting for you to save her..." Qin Ning tried to convince Qin Chu.

"I'm fine, you go to sleep, I am quiet." Qin Chu said not much, looking at the eyes outside the window is complicated.

There is a lighter in his palm... The symbols above are creepy, but Qin Ning doesn't understand.

Desert island basement

Huo Mian and Jack are still squatting.

"Huo Mian... What are you thinking about, do you really want to miss such a good escape opportunity?"

"Now there is nothing on the island, I ask you, how do you let me leave the island?" Huo Mian quietly looked at him.

"This is very simple. Does the person of Huo Siqian come once every once in a while? Give me a gift... I can take you away when I am... I don't doubt the boss, and no one knows me... Few people know my existence." Jack smiled smugly.

"That is to say, even if I let you go out now... I will still be on the desert island with you for a while, and wait for the people of Huo Xiqian to come, can we leave right?"

"Almost." Jack nodded.

"That's easy, then I will let go of the day when the people of Huo Siqian came." Huo Mian had an idea in his heart.

"What does it mean to hibernate you?" Jack's face gradually gloomy.

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